Recycling in schools
We invite all Cheshire East schools to join the Junior Recycling Officers scheme and the Secondary Recycling Challenge. Each year, schools can nominate up to 4 pupils from Years 4 to 6 (ideally Year 5) to become Junior Recycling Officers. These pupils will share the message ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ with their school, friends, and family. They receive a starter pack with information and recycled stationery from the Waste Education Officer who visits their school.
The Waste Education Officer leads assemblies and runs recycling workshops. Pupils can present assemblies, organise competitions, and set up recycling schemes and collections. We provide supporting materials throughout the year, including newsletters, posters, and competition ideas like creating recycled robots, recipes from leftover food, and poster designs promoting recycling.
Both schemes are open to special schools. Contact us for more information about our activities or for support with your own initiatives.
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Page last reviewed: 24 March 2025
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