Street cleansing, litter and fly tipping
Report it
You can use the report a street cleansing issue form to report dead animals, dog fouling, fly posting, fly tipping, full or damaged litter bins or dog bins, graffiti, littering, removal of needles and syringes, and to request street sweeping or new litter bins.
Report a street cleansing issue
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Fly tipping
Fly tipping is the "illegal deposit of any waste onto land that has no licence to accept waste."
It is an offence under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 to fly tip any material. Conviction could lead to a heavy fine.
You could help us secure a successful prosecution if you see someone fly tipping and you are prepared to give a witness statement. You may be asked to give your evidence in court. Even if you do not wish to be a witness, it is still important to report these crimes.
Fly tipped waste includes:
- general household waste, larger domestic items for example fridges, mattresses, or garden refuse
- commercial waste for example builders rubble, clinical waste and tyres.
Fly tipping on public land
You can report fly-tipping on public land, on the public highway or other land owned by the council to us.
Report fly tipping on council land
You can report litter or fly tipping in or near canals and rivers to the Canal and River Trust
You can report litter or fly tipping on the railways to Network Rail or the station.
We will usually arrange for reported waste to be removed within 48 working hours. It may take longer if the waste contains asbestos, clinical or other hazardous wastes as special arrangements need to be made for such waste.
We seek to prosecute if the offender can be identified from the waste and/or where there are witness statements. The maximum penalty for the offence of illegally tipping waste is currently £50,000 and/or a term of imprisonment.
Fly tipping on private land
It is usually the landowner's responsibility to remove the waste or an accumulation of rubbish on private land or someone's property. The cost of removing the waste may be recovered through the courts if an offender was identified.
You can find out from Land Registry who owns property or land.
If waste is deemed to be causing or likely to cause a statutory nuisance you can contact the Environmental Health Team on 0300 123 5015 who may be able to serve a notice on the occupier of the land to remove it within a given time.
Cases of large scale illegal tipping (a lorry load or more) are dealt with by the Environment Agency 24-hour hotline number: 0800 807060.
Avoiding fly tippers
Fly tippers are doing something illegal. They do not want to be caught. You should not approach them. Only approach the site when you are sure it safe to do so. Some waste is hazardous. Do not touch anything, you should not approach the waste or open any bags or containers.
Disposing of your waste
You are responsible for making sure that anyone you ask to dispose of waste on your behalf (for example a builder or contractor) is a registered waste carrier. Always ask to see their certificate. Always get a receipt confirming what they have taken and where they have disposed of it and details of any payment made.
You can take household waste to the Household Waste and Recycling Centre. You may be charged for disposing of rubble.
Street cleansing, litter and graffiti
We keep Cheshire East as free from litter and graffiti as practicably possible.
We vary the frequency that we clean the streets in different areas due to a range of local factors, including pedestrian, traffic and commercial activity.
We issue fixed penalty notices of £100 for dog fouling and £80 for littering.
You can help to improve your local environment by taking responsibility for our own litter and disposing of it in the appropriate manner. You can help by:
We aim to :
- empty town centre litter bins daily and all other litter and dog bins on at least a weekly basis
- cleanse town centre areas daily and cleanse all other areas frequently
- attend to fly tipped waste within 48 working hours of a report being received (for waste that can be removed in less than 1 hour as larger deposits may require additional equipment)
- remove offensive graffiti on council land within 48 working hours
- remove fly posting on council land within 2 weeks
Contact Waste and Recycling
Waste and Recycling - Cheshire East Council
Contact us about waste and recycling
Call our Waste and Recycling Customer Service Team on 0300 123 5011 during office hours, 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday, if you're unable to use our form.
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Page last reviewed: 08 November 2024
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