Home from hospital

View home from hospital support services

Remote support to keep people safe (Telecare)

If you have a stay in hospital, we try to get you home as quickly as possible once you are well enough, as staying in hospital longer than needed can increase the chance of catching infections and becoming less able to look after yourself. This is particularly relevant for frail and older people, many of whom are managing multiple health conditions. Social care and health will liaise with you to plan how to achieve this.

Our social care teams based in the local hospitals can help you to stay independent, or help you regain your independence, if you’ve been in hospital and are due to return home. Independence is important to everyone. It means the freedom to live the life you want, and to live it your way. Our health can sometimes get in the way of our independence. It can be harder to get around and carry out day-to-day tasks such as washing. There are also services available to support rehabilitation if this is required eg physiotherapy.

When it is time to leave hospital, the integrated health and social care discharge team will undertake an assessment of your needs. They will help you to find the support you need to enable you to be at home. If you are eligible for care and support to be arranged by the Council, they will also make these arrangements for you.

Services can include:

  • equipment to help you in your home
  • care in your own home (such as with personal care, getting around your home, meals)
  • support to access facilities in the community
  • reablement (if you still have a level of recovery)
  • support from voluntary agencies eg befriending, shopping
  • cleaning and laundry

Some services are provided free of charge, others are chargeable. A financial assessment will be undertaken to determine whether you pay for these services.

Page last reviewed: 08 July 2022

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