Benefits changes in circumstances

You can use our online form to tell us about a change in circumstance if you are claiming Housing Benefit, Council Tax Support or 2nd Adult Rebate. 

The changes you need to report are listed below and this information tells you about another online form that you may also need to complete if you want us to consider paying rent on 2 homes. 

Tell us about a change in circumstances

Don’t rely on other organisations such as Universal Credit, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), the JobCentre or HM Revenues and Customs (HMRC) to pass on information. It’s your responsibility to tell us about any changes that might affect your benefits.

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Changes you need to report

You must tell us straightaway about all changes that could affect the amount of benefit we pay you and how we pay you.

Moving house and benefit claims

You should tell us about a house move as soon as possible. We can’t pay anything for a new address until you have moved in.

If you are moving out of Cheshire East, tell us as soon as you know the date you are moving, so we can stop your payment in time and avoid an overpayment. You will need to make a new benefits claim to your new council.

Paying rent on two homes

If you are staying in Cheshire East and you are still responsible for rent on your old address after you have moved into your new address, we might be able to pay housing benefit for both properties for up to four weeks. We can only do this if it is reasonable for you to pay two lots of rent. You can apply for this extra housing benefit using our Housing Benefit for two homes form

Change of bank details for benefit claims

To have your benefit paid into a different account, you need to give us the new account details as soon as possible.  If you have already closed your old account tell the benefits team straight away.

Other changes of circumstance for benefit claims

Other changes of circumstance you need to tell us about include if:

  • you want to stop claiming
  • anyone in your household starts work
  • anyone’s income changes, including qualifying for a new benefit or a benefit ending
  • anyone’s capital or savings change
  • your rent goes up or down
  • the number of people living with you changes, including having a new baby or someone going into a nursing home or hospital for long term care
  • you or someone you live with will be away from home for a while – to find out what will happen to your benefit, see temporary absence rules
  • any of your children leave school or college
  • someone dies
  • you move to a different room in the same property

You might able to get extended housing benefit payments if you or your partner are starting work, increasing working hours, or starting to earn more.

Tell the Benefits team about changes

Why it’s important to tell us about changes straightaway

It’s important to tell us straightaway about changes so we can make sure your benefit payments are right.

You might lose money if you delay telling us about changes that mean you might get more benefit.  We can only backdate payments if there is a good reason why you couldn’t tell us at the time, and we can normally only give benefit extensions if you tell us about the change within a calendar month of the date of the change.

If you don’t tell us about changes that might mean you should get less benefit, we might overpay you. You must pay back any overpayments. You might also face prosecution if we suspect benefit fraud.

What happens after you have told us about the change

Where the change affects the amount we pay you, we will let you know the new amount within 10 working days of getting all the information we need.

For changes to Housing Benefit, you will get a new decision letter. This will include details of any extended benefit.

For changes to Council Tax Support or 2nd Adult Rebate, you will get a revised Council Tax bill. The bill will show payments due for the rest of the year. If you pay your Council Tax by direct debit, we will take the revised amount automatically after giving you 14 days notice of the new instalment amount.

You will be able to see the new amount as soon we have made our decision if you have an online account. If you don’t have an online account and the change of circumstances has altered your level of Council Tax Support you will get an updated Council Tax bill in the post.

You will start getting the new amount from the Monday after we get your form if your benefit is going up. If we will be paying you less benefit, you will get the new amount from the date the change happened.

There is a process you can follow  if you disagree with our decision.

Page last reviewed: 05 March 2025