Temporary event notice

We are asking customers to only submit essential applications. Please be aware that it may take some time to review and process your application. You should expect most applications to take longer than normal to process.

If you wish to hold a small scale one-off event you must give a temporary event notice (TEN) to Cheshire East Council. TENs cover the temporary carrying on of the sale or supply of alcohol, the provision of regulated entertainment or the provision of late night refreshment at premises which are not authorised by a premises licence or club premises certificate.

There are two types of notice:

  1. Standard Notices-these are notices submitted 10 clear working days or more before the day of the event (do not count the day of the event or the day of submission).
  2. Late Notices-these are notices submitted not later than 5 clear working days, but no earlier than 9 clear working days before the day of the event (do not count the day of the event or the day of submission).

If the premises where the event is to be held is in areas governed by two or more local authorities applications must be made to each.

How to apply for a temporary event notice


apply for a temporary event notice

The fee for a temporary event notice is £21.00.

Read the guidance notes carefully before submitting your notice. If you are having trouble opening the PDF application form please use our Temporary Event Notice Application (MS Word, 74KB).

Application evaluation

Your event must involve no more than 499 people (including staff and performers) at any one time and last no more than 168 hours.

The chief police officer and the environmental health authority have the right to object to a temporary event notice. They have three working days to object to the notice.

Licensing authorities have the discretion to apply existing licence conditions to a temporary event notice  if there are objections from the police or environmental health authority.

Cheshire East Authority must hold a hearing if an objection notice is served in relation to a 'standard notice'. They may issue a counter notice if it considers it necessary for the promotion of crime prevention objective.

A police chief may modify the TEN with the consent of the premises user. In such a case an objection notice will be deemed to have been withdrawn. A decision must be made at least 24 hours before the beginning of the event. If objections are received in relation to a 'late notice' then the event would not be permitted to go ahead.

Counter notices may be provided by the licensing authority if the number of permitted TENs has been exceeded.

Eligibility criteria

  • You must be 18 years or older to give a TEN and can give a maximum of five TENs per year. Two of these can be 'late notices'.
  • Personal licence holders can give a maximum of 50 TENs per year. Ten of these can be 'late notices'.
  • No more than 15 temporary event notices may be given for a particular premises in any calendar year; and
  • Temporary event notices may be given for a particular premises for no more than 21 days in a calendar year. (A day includes any part of a day).

The Deregulation Act 2015 increased the number of TENs a premises could be granted to fifteen times per calendar year. For more information on this, see the Government Guidance on the Deregulation Act.

Temporary Event Notice Withdrawal

A Temporary Event Notice may be withdrawn by the applicant giving the Licensing Authority a Notice to that effect no later than 24 hours before the beginning of the event period specified in the Temporary Event Notice. There is no refund of the fee; however this will not affect the applicant’s and premises allocation.

Right of appeal

If a counter notice is given in respect of a standard temporary event the applicant may appeal against the decision. Appeals must be made to the local Magistrates' court within 21 days. An appeal may not be brought later than five working days from the day of the planned event.

Contact Licensing


Call our Licensing Customer Service Team on 0300 123 5015 during office hours, 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday, if you're unable to use our forms.

Licensing Team
Cheshire East Council

Regulatory Services and Health C/O
Delamere House, Delamere Street


Page last reviewed: 25 February 2025