Doing business with Cheshire East Council
This section will give you guidance on how you can become a supplier to the council, details of our contracts and current tender opportunities.
The council has to follow its Financial procedure rules, which regulate how it conducts its business. In addition as a public sector body we are bound by the Public Contract Regulations (PCRs2015) for contracts awarded prior to 24th February 2025 and the Procurement Act 23 (PA23) and Procurement Regulations 2024 for those contracts advertised after 24 February 2025 where for those contracts exceeding the thresholds above we are obliged to publicly advertise our contracts.
More information, including our social value policy, is available on our Social Value page.
Tendering process
Depending on the price of the purchase the council's procurement procedure varies:
Purchases below £10,000
3 quotes are advisable but not mandatory.
Purchases between £10,000 and £30,000 (Inc VAT)
A minimum of three quotations should be sought by services.
Purchases of £30,000 (Inc VAT) and below Public Contract threshold
The council has a risk-based sourcing approach to procurement where £30,000 (Inc VAT) and below the relevant Public Contract threshold. A minimum of 3 quotations shall be sought via the council's etendering portal, subject to a risk assessment being carried out by the Corporate Procurement Unit. This will determine the route to market using an appropriate Request of Quotation (RFQ) or use of a public sector framework and appropriate terms and conditions.
CEBC Quotation / tender opportunities
Details of current procurement opportunities (where formally advertised) can be found on The Chest website. Tenders with a value that exceeds the current threshold will also be advertised on the Governments Central Digital Platform – Find a Tender service – see below.
For further advice and guidance on tendering to the public sector, visit the GOV.UK website.
All details of contracts can be found on the North West Contracts register.
Central Digital Platform (enhanced version of Find a Tender (FTS))
The Procurement Act 23 came into force 24 February 2025 and from this date Local Authorities will use the governments Central Digital Platform (CDP) to publish all notices, documents and other information required during a procurement process and throughout the lifetime of a contract.
Suppliers will be required to register on the central Digital Platform and use the Supplier Information System to submit their basic business information. When they identify an opportunity on FTS, they then share this information when they participate in a procurement.
What is the Central Digital Platform
The Procurement Act 2023 sets out that an “online system” will be established and operated for the publication of notices, documents and other information (95_(4)). This is the Central Digital Platform.
The objectives of the Central Digital Platform include:
- Publishing information about new procurement opportunities in one place, improving access for suppliers.
- Simplifying a fragmented landscape of commercial data available through multiple (sometimes closed-access) systems and in different formats.
- Providing a registration service for all UK buyers and suppliers who participate in public procurement.
- Enabling suppliers to submit their basic business information in one place, reducing duplication and making it easier to participate in procurements.
The central digital platform consists of an enhanced version of Find a Tender (FTS) (the site currently used to publish notices for all public contracts) with a new Supplier Information System.
You can use find a tender service to search for opportunities or awarded contracts, typically over the Public Contract Regulations thresholds.
To view the various public sector thresholds along with general information on thresholds please refer Guidance: Thresholds (HTML) - GOV.UK
Guide to suppliers
The selling goods and services to the council guide (PDF, 265KB) sets out how we work, what we buy and how who to contact. You can refer to our supplier guidance on completing procurement documentation (PDF, 285KB)
Fraud and corruption
Fraud within the public sector costs the taxpayer hundreds of millions of pounds each year. Detected cases of fraud and corruption are on the increase especially in the current economic climate. Cheshire East Council is committed to fighting fraud and corruption and actively encourages reporting by anyone who suspects fraud or who has any concerns about any aspect of the Council's work.
Where to find help
If you know of anyone committing any kind of fraud, whether an employee of the council, a member of the public or a company who may be contracted to work for the council then you need to report your suspicions. Referrals will be treated in the strictest confidence. See the whistleblowing policy.
Whistleblowing policy
The council's whistleblowing policy covers all employees of the council, contractors, agency staff and the council's partners.
The policy enables both providers and staff of the council to report, confidentially, serious concerns about any aspects of the Council's work in which you may suspect criminal, fraudulent behaviour or other forms of malpractice.
For further information and guidance along with details as to how to make such a disclosure, refer to the whistleblowing policy (PDF, 122KB) or email
Payment to suppliers
Automated payment direct into your bank account (e.g. payment by BACS - Banker Automated Clearing Services) is the council's preferred method of payment as it is cost effective, efficient and secure. To apply for payment by BACS please submit your banking information on your organisation’s letterhead, signed (with an original signature) and dated by an authorised officer.
We do not accept scanned,photocopied, computer generated or faxed signatures.
This must be ink.
Send details to:
Cheshire East Council
PO Box 3655
Cheshire East has a no purchase order no pay policy.
Contact Corporate Procurement Unit
Page last reviewed: 26 February 2025
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