Page last reviewed: 23 August 2022

2001 Census

Please note the 2021 Census is the latest census to take place, this page is for historical reference.

The 2001 census was held on 29 April 2001, forms were delivered to households across the UK. (see example of census form (PDF, 574KB)). The census is a count of all people and households in the UK. It provides essential statistical information, enabling the planning and funding of public services, including education, health and transport. Results also support research and business.

The first British census was carried out in 1801. In that year the population count indicated that there were nearly 9 million people living in England and Wales and a little over 1,600,000 in Scotland (Ireland was not included until 1821). The census has been taken in the first year of the decade ever since (with the exception of 1941).

The census is managed by the Office for National Statistics.

The 2001 census put the United Kingdom population at 58,789,194 on census day (29 April 2001). The population of the North West region was 6,729,800, a fall of 210,500 from 1981. Whilst the population of former Cheshire County Council area grew to 673,800.

Macclesfield with 150,100 people was the largest district at the time within former Cheshire County Council.

2001 Area Profiles

The research and consultation team can provide profiles covering the following topics:

  • Accommodation
  • Cultural background
  • Deprivation indicators
  • Economic information
  • Family and households
  • Health
  • Population
  • Qualification and students
  • Transport

These profiles can be produced for a variety of geographies including county, localities, electoral divisions, super output areas and ad hoc areas. To request a profile please contact the Research and Consultation team using the contact details at the bottom of this page.

Current Facts and Figures

Other Facts and Figures are available on a variety of topics.

Page last reviewed: 23 August 2022