Page last reviewed: 02 September 2024

Right of access

You can ask for a copy of the information we hold about you. This is known as a subject access request.

How to request access

You can make your request by an online form, an email, by phone, by post or in person.  

Apply by completing the online Subject Access Request form.

Alternatively, print and complete the Subject Access Request (SAR) -  request form (MS Word, 79KB). Email your request to:

or post to:

Information Rights Team
Floor 3, Delamere House
Delamere Street

Someone else can make a request for you but we will need your permission in writing before we disclose your personal information to that person.

To help us find the information we hold we will need:

  • your full name and date of birth
  • your address, and any previous addresses if they are relevant
  • details of any services within the Council with whom you have had dealings
  • any reference numbers or names of staff that you have had contact with
  • it is helpful if you can provide a date range for our searches. This helps in locating the specific information you are interested in, particularly where records go back a long way.

We need to make sure we give information to the right person so we must verify your identity. Please provide one document from each list below. Photocopies, scanned images or photographs are acceptable as long as they are clear and readable.

If you are applying for information about your child/children, you must provide two forms of identification for yourself as well as evidence of your parental responsibility for the child/children. This can usually be evidenced by the child’s full birth certificate naming you as their parent. If the child/children are over the age of 13, we may seek their permission to provide you with their personal information.

If you are applying on behalf of another person, you must provide two forms of identification which confirm your identity and current address as well as that of the individual whose information you are requesting. We would also require proof of your authority to act on behalf of the other person. This could be signed authority or a copy of Lasting Power of Attorney.

Acceptable proof of identity:

  • current passport
  • full birth certificate
  • unexpired photo card driving licence (full or provisional)

Acceptable proof of current address:

  • utility bill dated within the last three months
  • Council Tax bill for current year
  • unexpired photo card driving licence (full or provisional)
  • unexpired old style paper driving licence
  • bank statement dated within the last three months
  • Benefits Agency/state pension correspondence (on letterhead) dated within the last three months

When we will provide your information

When we have verified your identity and have all the details we need to find your information, we will respond within one month. In some cases we might need to extend the timescale by an additional two months especially if your request is complex. If we need to extend the timescale, we will tell you why within one month of receiving your request.

What you will receive

We will send you a copy of all the information we hold about you from our computer systems and information held in paper form that you are entitled to. You will also be told why we use your information, how long we keep it and details of other organisations which we have disclosed it to. Essentially, we will give you the information similar to the privacy notice. We will respond electronically wherever possible unless you have requested otherwise.

On rare occasions there might be instances where we refuse your request or make a charge. This may be because we consider your request to be repeated, excessive or obviously unfounded. Any charge will be a reasonable fee to take account of the administrative cost of responding to your request. If that happens, we will tell you within one month why we are refusing or charging for your request and inform you of your right to complain. 

There are some circumstances when we won’t give you all the information we hold about you. This might be because it contains confidential information about another person or because it may cause serious harm to you or someone else’s physical or mental wellbeing.

Page last reviewed: 02 September 2024