Information Asset Register
Our Information Asset Register is a listing of all information created, managed, and held by Cheshire East Council. This helps us to understand, protect and share our information effectively.
Our information asset register (MS Excel, 350KB)
Our information asset register in Power BI. This version is best viewed on a large screen with a mouse.
Information assets
The Council produces different types of information, this is grouped according to business need and objective. For example, we have an information asset called ‘Playgrounds’, which covers all the information we hold for the purpose of looking after Cheshire East’s play areas and playgrounds. This might include a number of separate documents or databases.
Our retention schedule
We include the retention period for each information asset in our Information Asset Register. This means that it also functions as our retention schedule. This tells us how long we need to keep the different types of information.
How we've organised our Information Asset Register
We have grouped the different information assets in the register by organisational function, not service area. For example, Business Cases is listed under Management, not a service that performs this function (which could be many separate ones). This helps to avoid duplication and ensure that the register stays relevant over time - even though teams and service structures may change, the core functions of the Council will largely stay the same.
How to use our Information Asset Register
At the moment, each asset on the register has 22 columns – that’s a lot of information! To help unpack this a little, we’ve broken them down into a couple of different areas:
- Who – Who is involved with this information asset? This includes the asset owner, and teams and services that are users of it. It lists an individual who is accountable for the data.
- What – most importantly, what is it? This includes an asset description, an asset name, an asset status (live or dormant) and ratings based on its level of risk or the sensitivity of the information.
- Where – where did this information asset come from, where is it now and where might it be going? This includes the information source and the systems where this information is stored. If it is sent anywhere else, this includes the transport methods that are used.
- When – how long this information is retained for, and when the information asset was last reviewed.
- Why – our lawful basis for keeping this information. This could be a legal requirement (e.g. the Highways Act 1980 or Article 6.1 (e) - public task) or a reference to best practice guidelines or industry standards.
Information Asset Register glossary
We have tried to make the language used in the asset register easily understandable wherever possible. Some key terms that may not be familiar to you are defined below.
Glossary of terms used the in the Information Asset Register
Term | Meaning of term |
Information Asset
Any record, including any content file type, or content for a particular use case
Information Classification
A label for how information assets should be handled based on a classification
Information Rating
A score based on the level of personal or sensitive information associated with information assets
Individual accountable for information assets
They are responsible for ensuring that specific information assets are handled and managed appropriately.
Asset Status
If the asset is actively in use (‘live’), or dormant
Article six lawful basis for processing personal data
Under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), at least one lawful reason for creating and holding personal data must be followed
Article nine lawful basis for processing special category data
Under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), special category (sensitive) data can be created and held as long as a condition under article nine is met
Lawful reason
Our requirement in law to keep (or destroy) information
The duration of time for which the information should be kept
A retention status for assets that have long term evidential, cultural or historical value
Permanent – offer to archivist
A retention status for assets that may have long term evidential, cultural or historical value. These assets will be offered to Cheshire Archives, who will advise on whether they will be transferred to them to be kept permanently
Page last reviewed: 03 December 2024
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