Page last reviewed: 20 November 2024

Open data and transparency

Cheshire East is committed to open data and transparency. Open data means making the non-personal information we hold, freely available to everyone in open, machine readable formats that are easy to reuse.

Insight Cheshire East

Insight Cheshire East is the council's data portal, which will hold the majority of our transparency information and open data together in one place. Open Data Cheshire East is designed to make inspecting, accessing and downloading our data easier for everyone, including developers, who may wish to use our data in their own applications or websites.

Handforth Parish Council investigation reports

At its meeting of 10 March 2022, The Audit & Governance Committee resolved that the Council should publish copies of the independent investigation reports into alleged councillor misconduct at Handforth Parish Council.

A total of 6 investigation reports were produced:

If you require any of these reports in an accessible format email your request to

Costs of £85,716 (including VAT) were incurred in relation to the external investigations, independent legal advice to the sub-committee, and dealing with threats of judicial review.

Courts and other tribunal decisions

Useful information relating to decisions about Cheshire East and other Local Authorities:

Gender pay gap report

The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017 requires all employers with more than 250 employees to publish data regarding their gender pay gap on an annual basis. View our Gender pay gap reports.

Local government transparency code

The Local Government Transparency Code requires local authorities in England to publish information related to the themes listed below. We are working to exceed these requirements. You can browse all information required by the code on Insight Cheshire East.

Organisation information

Land, property and parking information

Spending and procurement information

The democratic running of the Council

The Cheshire East Council Publication Scheme shows you where to find a wealth of information about the Council and how it conducts it's business.

Using the data

You are free to use our transparency data however you wish. You don't have to apply or ask for permission, but you do have to agree and comply with the terms of the Open Government Licence, except where otherwise stated.

Email transparency with ideas for data that you would like to see published.

Page last reviewed: 20 November 2024