Page last reviewed: 24 September 2021

Re-use of Public Sector Information (RSPI)

What are the RPSI regulations?

The Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015 (RPSI) require Cheshire East to make information that is accessible and produced as part of our public task available for re-use unless restricted or excluded.  ‘Public task’ means our core responsibilities and functions.

In general, any information that is accessible, either because it has been published or because it has been released under Freedom of Information legislation or other access legislation will be made available for re-use.

Do I need to make a request for re-use?

You do not need ask permission to re-use any accessible information for which Cheshire East holds the copyright, but you must agree and comply with the terms of the Open Government Licence (OGL).

This includes content published on the Cheshire East website and Insight Cheshire East (not including logos), unless otherwise stated. Further guidance about copyright and the OGL can be found on our Copyright and Disclaimer Page.

Where information is not released under the OGL, you will need to request permission for re-use under the RPSI regulations.

Making a request for re-use

If you wish to submit a request to re-use information you should write to us at Please include:

  • Your name and address
  • What information you would like to re-use
  • The purpose you intend to use the information for

When we receive your request, we will deal with it within 20 working days, unless your request is complicated.

Our response will tell you about any conditions for re-use, and if you will be charged a fee to re-use the information. In most cases information will be available to re-use free of charge. If you require paper copies of documents we may charge you 10p a copy and the cost of postage and packing. If the information is available electronically and you are happy to receive it by email there will be no charge.

What if I’m not happy with the Council’s decision?

If you have made a request and are unhappy with our decision, you can write to us at . Your request will be examined again by a senior officer who has had no part in dealing with your initial request. This will be done within 20 working days of your initial response.

If, following the review you are still not satisfied, you can make an appeal the Information Commissioner Office (ICO) and request that they review the decision. Contact details can be found on the Information Commissioner's Website

Where can I find your Information Asset List?

RPSI requires public bodies to make an Information Asset Register available. This contains details of information that Cheshire East produces that may be of interest or value.

Where can I find further Information?

For more information about the regulations, please see the detailed guidance at The National Archives (Office of Public Sector Information).

Page last reviewed: 24 September 2021