Page last reviewed: 15 November 2024

Public Rights of Way – Consultative Group Privacy Notice

Public Rights of Way, Green Infrastructure Team, Rural and Cultural Economy Service

As a Public Rights of Way team, we manage approximately 2000km of Public Rights of Way consisting of footpaths, bridleways, restricted byways and byways open to all traffic. The team also work to improve wider countryside access through permissive paths and open access land, for example.

All Public Rights of Way are highways and are protected by highway law and other legislation. Services provided by the Public Rights of Way team include:

  • Public Path Orders and Temporary Closures
  • Definitive Map Modification Orders to alter the Definitive Map and Statement
  • Land Searches
  • Landowner declarations, deposits, and statements
  • Enforcement
  • Working with landowners and land managers to maintain the public rights of way network.

Why personal information is being processed and what for

As a member of the Rights of Way Consultative Group, we hold your:

  • name
  • address
  • email address
  • and which voluntary/user/interest group you represent.

Why we are allowed to use your information

The Council is the Highway Authority, Surveying Authority and Traffic Authority for Cheshire East. The Rights of Way Consultative Group acts to enable interest groups (users, landowners and others) to engage in constructive debate and discussion about issues of law, policy, principle and work programming with Members and Officers of Cheshire East Council; to encourage understanding of each others’ concerns; and to participate in the consultation process and ongoing monitoring associated with the Rights of Way Improvement Plan. 

You have given us your consent to be appointed as a member of the Group. You can withdraw your consent and membership of the Group at any time by writing to us.

Who we will share your information with

The personal information you provided in your application form will not be shared with anyone outside of the Green Infrastructure team of the Council, other than:

  • Your name, and contact details, which voluntary/user/interest group you represent and comments provided at meetings will be available to other members of the Group via the agenda and notes of the meetings.

Where we get your information from

You provided your personal information during the process of appointment to the Group.

How long we will keep your personal information

We store your information for as long as you are a member of the Group. You can withdraw your consent and membership of the Group at any time by writing to us.

Full details of the retention periods for different types of data are contained in the Council’s Information Asset Register

How your information is stored

The information is held electronically within the Council’s secure IT servers with access restricted to authorised users only. 

Your name, which voluntary/user/interest group you represent and comments provided at meetings will be available in the electronic and printed agenda and minutes of the Group.

What happens if you don’t provide us with your information

If you do not provide us with your information then you will not be able to be appointed to the Group.

Will your information be used to make automated decisions


Will this information be transferred abroad


Your rights

You have a number of rights regarding your personal data, including withdrawing your consent where we have asked for it. You can also ask for a copy of the information we hold about you and ask us to correct anything that is wrong. For detailed information about your rights, see our Privacy Notice page at or our Data Protection page.

Page last reviewed: 15 November 2024