Page last reviewed: 20 November 2023

Land and property transactions

This applies to transactions in relation to land and property in the ownership or control of Cheshire East Council.

Before applying please ensure that land is owned by Cheshire East Council.

Application fee for land and property transactions

Land and property  Administration fees and charges for applications
ItemInformationFeeTotal + VAT at 20%
Application Fee You need to pay with a credit card to complete the form. £90.00 £108.00

The application fee offsets some of the costs involved in processing the application, but it does not cover the full cost. Payment of the fee does not guarantee that the application will be approved and it is entirely separate to professional fees and costs. We review the application fee annually and it is effective from 1 April.

We will estimate how long it will take to do the work within 10 working days of receiving the form and payment. We are unable to process applications until a completed application form and the correct fee have been received.

Professional fees and abortive costs

Professional fees (surveyor and solicitor) will be charged for all property transactions. The fee is variable and will depend on the type and complexity of the transaction. We will tell the applicant what the fee is likely to be before commencing the work.

The applicant is expected to pay:

  • the Council's professional fees and costs (the application fee is non-refundable)
  • their own costs

The application fee is subtracted from the professional fee if the transaction is completed.

You may be charged a further administration fee if you submit a revised application.

Land with Open Space

If the land you are enquiring about is open space, there is a statutory obligation to advertise in the local press where applicable (inline with the Town and County Planning Act / Local Government Act).

Advertising costs in local media are typically £800.00 - £950.00 plus VAT* (approximately) plus the Council’s administrative costs. The advertiser sets the cost when placing the adverts. The applicant will be liable for these costs.

Enquire about a council property

To enquire about a council property complete the online form below. The form will take 5 minutes to complete.

 Enquire about a council property

To find out how we use your information see our privacy notice (opens in a new window).

Contact Property Services

01270 686888

Page last reviewed: 20 November 2023