Page last reviewed: 22 July 2024

Cheshire East Council's Budget Book 2017/2018

The Council Budget for 2016/17 is still available to read

Details of service budgets are available in the Council’s Budget Book for 2017/2018. These PDF documents are updated periodically throughout the year to reflect changes to service budgets which have been agreed in line with the Finance and Contract Procedure Rules. 

Budget Book 2017/2018 – April 2017

This version of the Budget Book reflects the 2017/18 Budget approved by Council on 23 February 2017, updated for realignment of some budgets within services to reflect a more detailed allocation of budget initially held at a high level. 

Introduction and Summary Budget Book (PDF, 844KB) provides summary tables showing the Council's revenue and capital budgets. 

Detailed Service Budgets Book (PDF, 720KB) The document provides detailed analyses of service revenue and capital budgets. Revenue budgets are analysed down to the sub-division of service level in the organisational structure, and also across types of expenditure and income (e.g. employees, supplies and services, grants). Updated budgets and forecasts for new and ongoing individual Capital projects are also shown. 

Revised Budget Book 2017/2018 – September 2017

This version of the Budget Book reflects the 2017/2018 Budget at quarter 1 approved by Cabinet on 12 September 2017, updated for realignment of some budgets within services to reflect a more detailed allocation of budget initially held at a high level and increases to Budgets that have been approved due to the receipt of additional grants.

Introduction and Summary Budget Book September 2017 (PDF, 844KB) provides summary tables showing the Council's revenue and capital budgets. 

Detailed Service Budgets Book September 2017 (PDF, 720KB) The document provides detailed analyses of service revenue and capital budgets.

Revenue budgets are analysed down to the sub-division of service level in the organisational structure, and also across types of expenditure and income (e.g. employees, supplies and services, grants). Updated budgets and forecasts for new and ongoing individual Capital projects are also shown. 

Cheshire East Council Corporate Plan 2017- 2020

Cheshire East Council met on 23 February 2017 and agreed the updated Corporate Plan 2017-2020.  Progress against the Plan will be monitored in quarterly reports to Cabinet, showing the performance of the Council and how priorities are being managed to achieve the best outcomes for local residents. The updated Corporate Plan has formed the basis for developing proposals within the Medium Term Financial Strategy

Cheshire East Council Corporate Plan 2017-2020 (PDF, 5MB)

Cheshire East Council's Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017-2020

Cheshire East Council met on 23 February 2017 and agreed the Medium Term Financial Strategy Report for 2017/18 to 2019/20 (PDF, 3.5MB).

The report sets out the Council’s plans, and the required funding, to put residents first and ensure Cheshire East remains one of the best places to live in the North West.

The appendix to the report the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017/2020 features:

  • An Executive Summary from Finance and Assets Portfolio Holder
  • The detailed Medium Term Financial Strategy Report

Section 1 sets out the strategic overview for each outcome and more details of the actions each service area will be taking over the next three years to deliver the refreshed Corporate Plan Outcomes. These include:

  • Public Health Funding for specialist environmental health team
  • increase in community grants
  • reviewing the way the council commissions and design the subsidised bus network
  • the creation of a new investment portfolio
  • Children’s services transport policy review
  • realignment of Children’s Services funding streams and review of policy around charges and exemptions in relation to Children’s Social Care
  • creating efficiencies in children's commissioned services
  • Early Help and Prevention management review
  • review of Cheshire East Household Waste Recycling Centre Provision
  • Ansa Environmental Services efficiencies and contract renewals
  • investment to ensure we provide an effective planning framework
  • investment in Adult Social Care
  • commissioning all services currently provided by our in-house provider, Care4CE
  • operational pathway redesign
  • extra funding for Cared for Children and Care Leavers
  • continuing to make substantial efficiency savings from support functions.

Section 2 of the report sets out how the Council’s expenditure will be funded from Government grants, Business Rates and Council Tax. This includes details of the 4.99% increase in Council Tax for 2017/2018 (including 3% ring-fenced specifically for Adult Social Care).

The annexes to the report provide supporting information including line by line detail of the grants, policy changes and capital schemes that have been agreed as part of the Budget package. The latest Reserves Strategy is also provided.

The Medium Term Financial Strategy was considered by Cabinet on 7 February 2017 and recommended to Council. 

Cheshire East Council Pre-Budget Consultation 2017-2020

Cheshire East Council has issued its Pre-Budget Consultation setting out proposals for change for the period 2017/2018 to 2019/20

This document provides an opportunity for interested parties to review and comment on the Council’s Budget proposals. The budget proposals described in this consultation document are Council wide proposals and the Council’s intention at this stage is that consultation is invited on the broad budget proposals. The implications of individual proposals may be much wider for individuals affected by each proposal. Where this is the case, the Council intends to undertake full and proper consultation with people who would potentially be affected by individual budget proposals.

Proposals in the report are focused on delivering the Council’s residents first outcomes.

Outcome 1 – Our local communities are strong and supportive

Individuals and families are self-reliant and take personal responsibility for their quality of life. Communities are cohesive, with a strong sense of neighbourliness. There is genuine civic pride and mutual respect.

Outcome 2 – Cheshire East has a strong and resilient economy

Cheshire East is the place where people mean business – investing in the building blocks that will allow business to grow, ensuring we have the right skills and promoting opportunities for investment. Working together we will create prosperity for all!

Outcome 3 – People have the life skills and education they need in order to thrive

Children and young people get a good start in life, and are prepared for the world of work. Everyone is equipped to live independent, self-sufficient lives, and to realise their particular talents and abilities.

Outcome 4 – Cheshire East is a green and sustainable place

Cheshire East’s rural and urban character is protected and enhanced through sensitive development, environmental management, transport and waste disposal policies.

Outcome 5 – People live well and for longer

Local people have healthy lifestyles and access to good cultural, leisure and recreational facilities. Care services focus on prevention, early intervention and physical and mental wellbeing..

Outcome 6 – A responsible, effective and efficient organisation

The Council serves the people of Cheshire East through: Ensuring quality and best value for local people, striving to get it right first time, and acting with integrity, being open, honest and accountable and delivering on our promises

Between November 2016 and 10 January 2017, residents, councillors, businesses, schools, unions and council staff will be able to have their say on the budget proposals.

The document contains a number of questions, providing people with an opportunity to give feedback on the various proposals. We have now published the response to the budget consultation (PDF, 1.3MB). You can Find Your Local Councillor for contact details.

You can also send any comments, queries or other responses, such as alternative areas for savings, to the email address below - all responses will be captured and reported to Cabinet Members and Council. When submitting a response or comment, please also include your name, organisation (if applicable) and contact details.

If you have any comments or queries please e-mail:

Page last reviewed: 22 July 2024