Page last reviewed: 26 February 2024

Social value

As a council, we want to make a positive impact on people and places in Cheshire East. We call this impact social value. 

We look at social value across 3 themes:

  • social - creating healthier, safer, and more resilient communities
  • economic - promoting local skills and employment growth, supporting inclusive diverse and responsible businesses
  • environmental - supporting environmental sustainability

Through our own activities, the services we buy, and the local organisations we partner with, we are working to:

  • develop a thriving economy that benefits local people, and increase the amount of wealth produced, controlled and invested locally
  • support communities, boost health and wellbeing, and reduce health and other avoidable inequalities 
  • reduce harm to the environment and develop more sustainable ways of working and living

To find out more about our priorities, goals and success measures, see our social value policy and framework.

How we deliver social value 

We take account of the importance of social value across all our activities. This includes:


We are working with suppliers to ensure they deliver both financial and social value - see social value through procurement

Activities as an employer

With around 5,000 employees, we have a responsibility to deliver social value as an employer


Strong collaboration with other public sector organisations, the voluntary, community and faith sector, and local businesses allows us to boost social value through partnership working

The Connected Communities Noticeboard connects businesses and communities to deliver Social Value at a local level.

Community assets

Local people, green spaces and community buildings and centres have a key role to play in making Cheshire East a better place to live, work and socialise - see social value through community assets.

Impact on the environment

Our Environment Strategy sets out how we will respond to the global challenge of climate change and how the natural environment of Cheshire East will be enhanced and protected. We are committed to becoming a carbon neutral council by 2025.

Planning and development

A key focus of the planning system is to secure mitigation for the impact of development, making planning gain a significant source of investment in socially valuable assets. See social value through planning.

Social value resources and tools

Our catalogue of social value resources and tools explains our approach to social value and gives links to wider organisations

The impact of our social value activities

For progress highlights, examples and case studies, see social value impact


Page last reviewed: 26 February 2024