Page last reviewed: 04 February 2022

Social value in procurement

We expect the organisations and businesses we buy from to deliver both financial value and social value.

As a public body spending public money, we have a legal and moral obligation to consider the social good that our spending can deliver. We want to make every penny count, growing local wealth and health and improving our environment.

How we consider social value in procurement

We consider social value as part of our procurement process for all contracts over a value of £5,000. We look at every stage of the procurement life cycle, from planning and commissioning through to ongoing monitoring of contract delivery (where it can be shown this is relevant and proportionate and compliant with public contract regulations).

For all contracts worth £100,000 or more, we apply a minimum of 10% weighting for social value within the evaluation questions we ask as part of our procurement process.

We also require all suppliers to have the Social Value Award (or be willing to get it within the first 12 months of the contract).

To deliver social value in our choice of suppliers, we encourage bids from all types of organisations, including small firms and start-ups. We are removing barriers such as unnecessary financial turnover thresholds where financial risk is low.

Social value through procurement - examples and impact

See the impact of our work with suppliers to deliver social value through procurement.

If your organisation is tendering for a contract with us

Ways to demonstrate your commitment to social value include:

Social value resources and tools

See social value resources and tools for information to help you understand what we are looking for.

Support and advice

Our procurement team are happy to advise on the social value aspects of tendering and contract obligations.


Page last reviewed: 04 February 2022