Page last reviewed: 09 March 2023

Crime and law enforcement

If you are a victim of crime, please do not suffer in silence.  In a serious emergency telephone the Police, Fire or Ambulance services on 999.

Police stations in Cheshire

The main police stations in Cheshire can be found on the Cheshire Police website and you can notify the police of non emergency minor crimes online.

Crime information

  • Cheshire Victim Support helps to provide confidential support and information to victims of crime, including how to apply for compensation and information about crime prevention, the criminal justice system and going to court.  The police should give your details to Cheshire Victim Support unless you ask them not to and Victim Support will contact you. 

Child abuse

If you have concerns about a child's welfare is available on our Child Abuse web pages or contact our ChECS team.

If you are a victim of child abuse and need someone to talk to, contact ChildLine or the NSPCC

Domestic abuse

For information on Domestic Violence visit our Domestic Violence webpages or visit the GOV.UK domestic abuse section. 

Drug abuse

The Council provides information on Drug and Alcohol Abuse, together with links to other organisations. The Cheshire Drug Intervention Service (DISC) provide support to young people who are experiencing difficulties because of their own or someone else's drug use.  

Identity theft

Information about identity theft can be obtained from Action Fraud.

Transport police

British Transport Police can be contacted on the following telephone numbers:

  • General non-emergency 0800 405 040
  • Switchboard 0300 123 2299
  • Emergency number for Birmingham 0121 254 8904 and for London 0207 222 2724

Youth offenders

Our Youth Offending team works with children and young people aged between 10-17 who break the law and subsequently become subject to the youth justice system. Visit our Young Offenders webpages for more information.


Information about prisons can be found on the Justice website.

Page last reviewed: 09 March 2023