Youth Offenders

Young offenders are children and young people aged between 10-18 who break the law. When they do they become subject to the youth justice system.

What the Youth Justice system does

The principal aim of the Youth Justice System is to prevent offending by children and young persons and it is the statutory duty of all organisations and individuals working within the youth justice system to have regard to that aim.

The six key objectives of the youth justice system are:

  1. The swift administration of justice, so that every young person accused of breaking the law has the matter resolved without delay
  2. Confronting young offenders with the consequences of their offending, for themselves and their families, their victims and the community, and helping them to develop a sense of responsibility
  3. Intervention that tackles the particular factors that put the young person at risk of offending
  4. Punishment proportionate to the seriousness and persistence of the offending and which strengthens protective factors
  5. Encouraging reparation to victims by young offenders
  6. Reinforcing the responsibilities of parents.

The local authorities obligations

Every local authority department must consider the likely effect of all of its decisions on the need to reduce crime and disorder locally. The local authority also has a duty to take reasonable steps designed to encourage young people within its area not to commit offences, through the provision of services.

The Youth Justice Service was formally known as the Youth Offending Team. It covers Cheshire East, Cheshire West and Halton and Warrington.

Who to contact for more information

Youth Justice Services
Phone: 0345 145 0055

Delamere House, 7th Floor
C/O Municipal Buildings
Earle Street

Page last reviewed: 18 August 2020

Contact details

Cheshire East Youth Justice Service

Email the Youth Justice Service

0345 145 0055

Cheshire East Youth Justice Service
Delamere House, 7th Floor
C/O Municipal Buildings
Earle Street

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