Page last reviewed: 20 August 2024

A500 Dualling Scheme – Statutory Orders

A500 Dualling Scheme - Statutory Orders update

Following the announcement that the northern section of HS2 has been cancelled, the Council has taken the decision that it will no longer be able to support the proposed Compulsory Purchase Order and Side Roads Order, it has written to the Secretary of State requesting that the Orders are withdrawn and not confirmed. The Secretary of State on 15 August 2024, confirmed that she had not confirmed the Orders.

On 4 July 2023, Cheshire East Borough Council formally sealed and dated the following statutory Orders:

  • The Cheshire East Borough Council (A500 Dualling – Meremoor Moss Roundabout to M6 Junction 16) (Classified Road) (Side Roads) Order 2023
  • The Cheshire East Borough Council (A500 Dualling – Meremoor Moss Roundabout to M6 Junction 16) Compulsory Purchase Order 2023

These Orders are required to facilitate the construction of the A500 Dualling highway scheme and permit the use of compulsory purchase powers where necessary, to acquire the necessary land as a matter of last resort, as well as providing for changes to the highways network.

Inspecting the documents

You can view the hard copies of the Orders, maps, plans and statutory notices free of charge at the following locations:

  • Cheshire East Borough Council, Municipal Buildings, Earle Street, Crewe CW1 2BJ between the hours of 9am to 5pm (Monday to Friday inclusive) (closed weekends and on Bank Holidays);
  • Cheshire East Borough Council, Delamere House, Delamere Street, Crewe, CW1 2LL between the hours of 8.45am to 5pm (Monday to Friday inclusive) (closed at weekends and on Bank Holidays);
  • Alsager Library, Sandbach Road North, Alsager, Stoke-on-Trent, ST7 2QH between the hours of 9am to 5pm (Monday to Friday inclusive) and between the hours of 9am to 1pm (Saturdays) (closed on Sundays and on Bank Holidays).

Library timings are subject to change. You should check with the library before attending in person.

What to do if you have land in this scheme

The Council wishes to continue to negotiate with landowning parties and those with an interest in the Scheme area(s) to try to acquire the land necessary for the scheme by agreement where possible and will only seek to use compulsory purchase powers as a matter of last resort. Any parties impacted by the scheme should have already been contacted by the Council’s appointed land agent and a pack of documents has been sent to them. These documents will detail next steps to be taken and relevant contacts to discuss the scheme.

Statement of Reasons

The Council has a Combined Statement of Reasons, which relates to the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) and the Side Roads Order (SRO). The document explains the requirement for and reasoning behind the Orders. This Statement and its appendices can be accessed below.

Site Location Plan A500-RAM-GEN-00-DR-C-00001 P04 (1) (PDF, 922KB)

General Arrangement Key Plan A500-RAM-GEN-00-DR-C-00100 P05 (2) (PDF, 4.5MB)

General Arrangement Layout Sheet 1 A500-RAM-GEN-00-DR-C-00101 P07 (3) (PDF, 2.7MB)

General Arrangement Layout Sheet 2 A500-RAM-GEN-00-DR-C-00102 P07 (4) (PDF, 2.4MB)

General Arrangement Layout Sheet 3 A500-RAM-GEN-00-DR-C-00103 P05 (5) (PDF, 2.7MB)

General Arrangement Layout Sheet 4 A500-RAM-GEN-00-DR-C-00104 P06 (6) (PDF, 2.3MB)

General Arrangement Layout Sheet 5 A500-RAM-GEN-00-DR-C-00105 P06 (7) (PDF, 2.4MB)

General Arrangement Layout Sheet 6 A500-RAM-GEN-00-DR-C-00106 P05 (8) (PDF, 1.8MB)

Proposed Road Lighting Sheet 1 of 6 A500-RAM-HLG-00-DR-C-00101 P03 (9) (PDF, 1.4MB)

Proposed Road Lighting Sheet 2 of 6 A500-RAM-HLG-00-DR-C-00101 P03 (10) (PDF, 1.3MB)

Proposed Road Lighting Sheet 3 of 6 A500-RAM-HLG-00-DR-C-00101 P03 (11) (PDF, 1.3MB)

Proposed Road Lighting Sheet 4 of 6 A500-RAM-HLG-00-DR-C-00101 P03 (12) (PDF, 1.2MB)

Proposed Road Lighting Sheet 5 of 6 A500-RAM-HLG-00-DR-C-00101 P03 (13) (PDF, 1.2MB)

Proposed Road Lighting Sheet 6 of 6 A500-RAM-HLG-00-DR-C-00101 P03 (14) (PDF, 1.3MB)

Typical Cross Sections Location Plan A500-RAM-GEN-00-DR-C-00150 P03 (15) (PDF, 1.8MB)

Typical Cross Sections Sheet 1 of 3 A500-RAM-GEN-00-DR-C-00151 P03 (16) (PDF, 615KB)

Typical Cross Sections Sheet 2 of 3 A500-RAM-GEN-00-DR-C-00152 P03 (17) (PDF, 599KB)

Typical Cross Sections Sheet 3 of 3 A500-RAM-GEN-00-DR-C-00153 P03 (18) (PDF, 596KB)

Retention Pond Standard Detail A500-RAM-HDG-00-DE-D-41102 P02 (19) (PDF, 754KB)

Englesea Brook Culvert & Underpass General Arrangement Sheet 1 of 2 A500-RAM-SBR-S1-DR-T-00001 P02 (20) (PDF, 458KB)

Englesea Brook Culvert & Underpass General Arrangement Sheet 2 of 2 A500-RAM-SBR-S1-DR-T-00002 P02 (21) (PDF, 640KB)

Barthomley Brook Culvert General Arrangement Sheet 1 of 2 A500-RAM-SBR-S3-DR-T-00001 P04 (22) (PDF, 259KB)

Barthomley Brook Culvert General Arrangement Sheet 2 of 2 A500-RAM-SBR-S3-DR-T-00002 P04 (23) (PDF, 258KB)

Barthomley Brook Realignment Culvert Extension Plan A500-RAM-HDG-S3-DR-D-11001 P04 (24) (PDF, 2.5MB)

Barthomley Brook Realignment Culvert Extension Long Section A500-RAM-HDG-S3-DR-D-20001 P03 (25) (PDF, 600KB)

Barthomley Brook Realignment Cross Sections Sheet 1 A500-RAM-HDG-S3-DR-D-30001 P03 (26) (PDF, 1.5MB)

Barthomley Brook Realignment Cross Sections Sheet 2 A500-RAM-HDG-S3-DR-D-30002 P03 (27) (PDF, 1.3MB)

Barthomley Brook Realignment Typical Cross Section A500-RAM-HDG-S3-DE-D-41101 P05 (28) (PDF, 525KB)

Barthomley Road Bridge General Arrangement Sheet 1 of 2 A500-RAM-SBR-S4-DR-T-00001 P03 (29) (PDF, 339KB)

Barthomley Road Bridge General Arrangement Sheet 2 of 2 A500-RAM-SBR-S4-DR-T-00002 P02 (30) (PDF, 941KB)

Bluemire Retaining Wall A500-RAM-SBR-S5-DR-T-00001 P02 (31) (PDF, 884KB)

Radway Green Road Bridge General Arrangement Sheet 1 of 2 A500-RAM-SBR-S6-DR-T-00001 P02 (32) (PDF, 914KB)

Radway Green Road Bridge General Arrangement Sheet 2 of 2 A500-RAM-SBR-S6-DR-T-00002 P01 (33) (PDF, 717KB)

BRJ10601_L_01 Environmental Masterplan Rev 4 (34) (PDF, 2.8MB)

Volume 1 Non-Technical Summary for Environmental Statement Rev 1 (35) (PDF, 2.6MB)

A500 Dualling Environmental Statement April 2020 BRJ10412 Rev 0 (36) (PDF, 4.2MB)

Technical Note Report - Change to Environmental Assessment BRJ10601-OD-23 P01 (37) (PDF, 11MB)

Volume 2 Addendum - Addendum to Environmental Statement including 31 figures B1832076-OD-90 Rev 0 (38) (PDF, 4MB)

Volume 3 - Technical Appendices B1. Environmental Masterplan (39a) (PDF, 2.8KB)

Volume 3 - Technical Appendices C Arboricultural Impact Assessment (39b) (PDF, 5.2MB)

Volume 3 - Technical Appendices D Ecology Survey Report (39c i) (PDF, 2.5MB)

Volume 3 - Technical Appendices D Ecology Survey Report (39c ii) (PDF, 1.2MB)

Volume 3 - Technical Appendices D Ecology Survey Report (39c iii) (PDF, 1.8MB)

Volume 3 - Technical Appendices D Ecology Survey Report (39c iv) (PDF, 556KB)

Volume 3 - Technical Appendices G Flood Risk Assessment R1 (39d) (PDF, 5MB)

Water Framework Directive Technical Note - Environmental Statement Appendix H Rev 3 (40) (PDF, 1.3MB)

Statement of Community Involvement BRJ10601-OD-16 Rev 0 (41)

Ecology Addendum B1832076-OD-62 Rev 0 (43)(PDF, 4.3MB)

Update Ecology Surveys BRJ01601-OD-17 Rev 0 (44) (PDF, 556KB)

Habitat Regulations Assessment Screening B1832076-OD-62 Rev 1 (45) (PDF, 1.2MB)

Additional Amendments Supporting Statement BRJ10601-OD-24 Rev 0 (47) (PDF, 559KB)

The Council reserves the right to add other documents to this list.

What happens next?

Statutory Notices and Objection Period

Copies of the statutory notice for the CPO were published in the Crewe Chronicle and the Congleton Chronicle on 19/20 July 2023 and 26/27 July 2023, as well as being sent to the parties impacted by the scheme.

Copies of the statutory notices for the Side Roads Orders were published in the Crewe Chronicle, the Congleton Chronicle and the London Gazette on 19/ 20 July 2023, as well as being sent to the parties impacted by the Side Roads Order proposals. Notices were erected on site and parties impacted by the Orders were served with information packs.

The Orders are to be submitted to the Secretary of State for Transport for formal confirmation.

Objections to the Orders

The period for objecting to the Orders closed on Monday 11 September 2023.

Any objection should be made in writing and addressed to:

Secretary of State for Transport
c/o The National Transport Casework Team
Department for Transport
Tyneside House
kinnerburn Road
Newcastle Business Park
Newcastle upon Tyne



State the title of the Order, the grounds of objection(s) and the objector’s address and interest in the land. It should be noted that the personal data and correspondence relating to any objection will be passed by the Secretary of State for Transport to the Council in order that they can contact you directly to address the issues raised. If any person does not wish personal data to be forwarded to the Council, they should state why when submitting the objection and the Secretary of State will copy the representations to the Council with the name and address removed and if there is to be a local Public Inquiry, the representations will be seen by the Inspector who may give them less weight as a result. 


If you require any of the PDFs on this page in an accessible format email the Cheshire East web team.

Page last reviewed: 20 August 2024