Highway Development team
- The Highway Development team assesses the impact of new development proposals ensuring their impacts are assimilated into the transport network.
- Secures highway improvements and promotes sustainable connections to new development ensuring they offer easy access for all highway users.
- Pre-application service providing advice on new development proposals from a transport perspective.
- Promotes the use of the Cheshire East Design guide securing innovative layouts and creating more pleasant places.
- Secures highway improvements through either s38 agreements for new roads, s278 agreements works to the existing highways or s106 agreements monies for infrastructure .
Highway development documents
Contact details
Highways Development Management Team
Cheshire East Council
c/o Municipal Buildings
Earl Street
Team members
Paul Griffiths
Highway Development Control Manager
Neil Jones
Principal Development Officer
Andrew Goligher
Principal Development Officer
Paul McDowell
Senior Development Officer (part time)
Team members (s38/s278 agreements)
For section 38 enquiries, please contact highwaystechnicalapprovals@cheshireeasthighways.org
Chris Booth
Section 278 Principal Development Engineer
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Page last reviewed: 28 June 2024
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