Middlewich Transport Consultation

Cheshire East Council recognises that there are a number of transport issues affecting the residents of Middlewich, and that it is necessary to further understand these in order to plan for the future.
Therefore, we undertook a period of consultation with key stakeholders and the local residents of Middlewich in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the key transport issues impacting the town.
We received 516 completed questionnaires, 389 online and 125 from the staffed events. Analysis of the completed questionnaires gives confidence that the information received through the consultation is robust and a reliable representation of the prevailing views of residents.
Respondents were keen to see traffic, particularly HGVs , given alternative routes which would pass through Middlewich, with a bypass being requested by a large number of respondents. The most popular suggestion (61%) for a bypass route was an Eastern Bypass.
The results of the consultation can be found in the consultation report (PDF, 391KB)
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Page last reviewed: 06 August 2021
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