Poynton relief road overview documents CEC.1.01 - Proof of evidence of Paul Griffiths - overview (PDF, 733KB) CEC.1.02 - CEC Cabinet meeting minutes - 9 May 2017 (PDF, 96KB) CEC.1.03 - Cheshire and Warrington Strategic economic plan (PDF, 6MB) CEC.1.04 - SEMMMS implementation plan 3 (PDF, 520KB) CEC.1.05 - A6 to Manchester Airport transport assessment (PDF, 26MB) CEC.1.06 - Cheshire and Warrington draft transport strategy (PDF, 2MB) CEC.1.07 - Transport for the North major roads report (PDF, 9MB) CEC.1.08 - Cheshire and Warrington LEP letter of support (PDF, 90KB) CEC.1.09 - Manchester Airport letter of support (PDF, 177KB) CEC.1.10 - Plan of adopted highway network - Adlington (PDF, 767KB) CEC.1.11 - Scheme cost estimate report (PDF, 904KB) CEC.1.12 - Construction cost verification report (PDF, 8MB) CEC.1.13 - Scheme funding profile (PDF, 32KB) CEC.1.14 - Scheme Gant chart programme (PDF, 33KB)
Poynton relief road planning documents CEC.2.01 - Proof of evidence of Adrian Fisher - Planning (PDF, 2MB) CEC.2.02 - Cheshire East local plan strategy (PDF, 27MB) CEC.2.03 - Macclesfield local plan (PDF, 5MB) CEC.2.04 - Cheshire East allocations and development policies (First draft) 2018 (PDF, 5MB) CEC.2.05 - Stockport core strategy (PDF, 4MB) CEC.2.06 - Stockport unitary development plan 2006 saved policies (PDF, 601KB) CEC.2.07 - Greater Manchester spatial framework 2016 (PDF, 6MB) CEC.2.08 - PG18 Regional spatial strategy for the North West (PDF, 7MB) CEC.2.09 - Cheshire structure plan 2018 (PDF, 2.7MB) CEC.2.10 - Stockport local plan issues paper (PDF, 3.6MB)
Poynton relief road highway engineering documents CEC.3.01 - Proof of evidence – Adam Godbold - Highways Engineering (PDF, 1.7MB) CEC.3.02 - Adlington Business Park Overpass Justification (PDF, 566KB)
Poynton relief road Ecology documents CEC.4.01 - Proof of evidence - Diane Corfe - Ecology and nature conservation (PDF, 96KB) CEC.4.02 - CIEEM Guidance for ecological impact assessment (Jan 2016) (PDF, 1.5MB) CEC.4.03 - BS42020 Biodiversity - code of practice for planning and development (PDF, 1.1MB) CEC.4.04 - GCN Survey report September 2018 (PDF, 14MB) CEC.4.05 - Revised environmental masterplan (PDF, 892KB) CECC.04.06 - Biodiversity net gain good practice principles for development (CIEEM, 2016) (PDF,172KB) CEC.04.07 - Guidance for the use of BIC (PDF, 617KB) CEC.04.08 - Bat survey report 2018 (PDF, 603KB) CEC.04.09 - DMRB Volume 11, Section 3 Part 4 - Ecology and nature conservation (PDF, 290KB) CEC.04.10 - IAN 130 10 Ecology and nature conservation - criteria for impact assessment (PDF, 139KB) CEC.04.11 - The Town and Country Planning (EIA) (England and Wales) Regulations 2011 (PDF, 249KB) CEC.04.12 - The Town and Country Planning (EIA) Regulations 2017 (PDF, 431KB) CEC.04.13 - Appendices to Proof of evidence of Diane Corfe - Ecology and nature conservation (PDF, 25MB)
Poynton relief road transport and economics documents CEC.5.01 - Proof of evidence, Richard Hibbert (PDF, 6MB) CEC.5.02 – Poynton RR – Outline Business Case (PDF, 5.7MB) CEC.5.03 – Options Assessment Report (PDF, 6.6MB) CEC.5.04 – A6-M60 LMVR (PDF, 12.2MB) CEC.5.05 – A6-M60 TFR (PDF, 6.8MB) CEC.5.06 – A6-M60 EAR (PDF, 2.5MB) CEC.5.07 – PRR – Sensitivity Testing Post Planning (PDF, 1.4MB)
Poynton relief road estates and valuation documents CEC.6.01 – Proof of evidence – Henry Church – Main Proof (PDF, 180KB) CEC.6.02 – Proof of evidence – Henry Church – Appendices (PDF, 22.5MB) CEC.6.03 – Proof of evidence – Henry Church – Summary of Proof (PDF, 95KB)
Poynton relief road air quality documents CEC.7.01 – Proof of evidence (PDF, 313KB) CEC.7.02 – Institute of Air Quality Management Guidance (PDF, 711KB) CEC.7.03 – Highways Agency Design Manual for Roads (PDF, 1.1MB) CEC.7.04 – Highways England Interim Advice Note (174/13) (PDF, 103KB) CEC.7.05 – Highways England Interim Advice Note (170/12) (PDF, 185KB)