Poynton Relief Road - archived material
Previous route options public consultation
Following the closure of Woodford Aerodrome, Cheshire East Council have developed new route options for Poynton Relief Road and have undertaken a Public Consultation. The aims of the consultation were:
- To inform the public and other stakeholders of the Poynton Relief Road scheme and the route options available for consideration;
- To provide an opportunity for the public and other stakeholders to discuss and ask questions about the scheme with members of the project team;
- To gauge the level of support for the two relief road options and the support for the scheme in general; and
- To receive comments on locations along the A523 corridor which could benefit from improvements.
Following the completion of the Public Consultation, the responses received were collated and analysed. These findings were presented in the Public Consultation Report. The Conclusions and Recommendations chapter (PDF, 104KB) of this report is available (with the full report available below.)
A Preferred Route Report was also prepared. This report partly drew on the conclusions of the Public Consultation Report, and partly on other factors, to arrive at a set of scheme recommendations. The main recommendation was that the Green Route Option (PDF, 721KB) should be the preferred route and as a consequence the corridor of this route should be protected within the Cheshire East Local Plan. The 'Summary and Recommendations’ chapter (PDF, 66KB) is available (with the full report available below).
The Cheshire East Cabinet met on Tuesday 11th November 2014 and endorsed the recommendations within the Preferred Route Report.
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Public consultation reports
Preferred route from consultation
Preferred route reports

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