The Secretary of State for Transport announced The Safer Roads Fund in 2016.
The fund is for road safety improvement schemes to reduce the number and severity of fatal and serious injury collisions on the 50 highest risk road sections in England. The level of risk is based on the Road Safety Foundation's analysis and report on road safety nationally.
In 2017 the Department for Transport (DfT) invited proposals from local highway authorities to improve the safety of these road sections. We submitted successful funding applications to the Department for Transport for the 3 road sections in Cheshire East:
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We proposed a range of road safety improvements in our bid:
- upgrading the existing carriageway surface to improve grip for vehicles
- Dark Lane/Church Lane/A536 Gawsworth junction improvements
- installation of average speed cameras
- upgrading the carriageway markings
- upgrading the signing at various locations along the route
We also proposed to undertake a speed limit review to determine if the current speed limits remain appropriate.
You can view the bid application here: A536 Department for Transport Safer Roads Fund bid (September 2017).
Progress so far for the A536
We have improved the road between Eaton and the outskirts of Macclesfield with a new higher skid resistant surface. We refreshed the road markings and added new edge of carriageway lines to enhance visibility of the road edges.
We have installed an average speed camera system between Eaton and the outskirts of Macclesfield. Phase 1 began in 2020 at Eaton. Phase 2 Eaton to the outskirts of Macclesfield started in September 2021.
In November 2021 we resurfaced a 200m section of the A536 from the outskirts of Congleton towards the new Wolstenholme Elmy Way roundabout.
We have reviewed the road signage along the route, and we installed new speed limit and average speed camera signs in June 2022.
More resurfacing works were completed in March 2023, between The Rising Sun pub and Moss Lane on the outskirts of Macclesfield.
We replaced many of the existing worn/faded signs in March 2024.
We installed traffic signals at the Dark Lane / Church Lane / A536 junction in Gawsworth in Autumn 2024. We resurfaced the road at the junction as part of those works.
Future planned works for the A536
We have now completed all the proposed road safety improvements.
A537 Macclesfield to County Boundary - Road Safety Improvements scheme
We submitted a successful £2.49m application for funding to the Department for Transport. You can view the bid application here: A537 Department for Transport Safer Roads Fund bid (September 2017).
The road safety improvements proposed in the bid include:
- Upgrading the existing carriageway surface
- Upgrading of the existing average speed camera system
- Upgrade of existing and installation of new vehicle restraint systems
- Upgrading the carriageway markings and road studs
- Upgrading the signing at various locations along the route
- Upgrading the variable message sign in Macclesfield
We submitted a successful £2.49m application for funding to the Department for Transport. You can view the bid application here: A537 Department for Transport Safer Roads Fund bid (September 2017).
The road safety improvements proposed in the bid include:
- upgrading the existing carriageway surface
- upgrading of the existing average speed camera system
- upgrade of existing and installation of new vehicle restraint systems
- upgrading the carriageway markings and road studs
- upgrading the signage at various locations along the route
- upgrading the variable message sign in Macclesfield
Progress so far for the A537Progress
In August 2021 we undertook works to lay a new road surface. This provided an improved skid resistance along sections of the A537. At the same time, we refreshed the road markings and road studs along that section.
In 2022 and 2023 we installed a new average speed camera system along the A537. This replaced the old system and extends camera coverage towards Macclesfield to cover the full 50mph zone.
During September and October 2022 we completed a wide range of works, including:
- carriageway surfacing works, primarily at the Macclesfield and Walker Barn end of the route. Road markings and road studs were replaced at the same time
- replaced two section of existing vehicle restraint system (crash barriers) and installed a new length of barrier
- completed ground investigation works on a length of existing barrier, in advance of replacing it in 2023
- installed new and replacement signs along the route
Works to replace the final length of existing barrier (near Peak View Tea Rooms) was completed in September/October 2023.
We replaced the existing electronic variable message sign in Macclesfield during August 2024. The new sign is able to show a wider range of road safety messages for the route.
Future planned works for the A537Future
There are several damaged signs along the route. We will replace these by Summer 2025.
We submitted a successful £1.03m application for funding to the DfT. You can view the bid application here: A532 Department for Transport Safer Roads Fund bid (April 2017).
The road safety improvements proposed in the bid included:
- managing traffic speed and improving the urban realm along West Street to encourage rerouting of motorised vehicles to the adjacent A5078 Dunwoody Way
- upgrading the existing signalised junction at Broad Street/Hightown
- development of a high-quality cycle and pedestrian route along West Street and Vernon Way including improvement of crossing facilities
- relocating and upgrading the zebra crossing on Vernon Way next to Earle Street roundabout
Progress so far for the A532
In 2020 the classification of West Street and Vernon Way between the junction with Dunwoody Way and Earle Street changed from the A532 to the B5064. The A532 classification now applies to Dunwoody Way, Oak Street and the section of Vernon Way between Oak Street and Earle Street, to re-route the A532 and encourage use of these roads as the main and more appropriate route into Crewe town centre rather than West Street. We replaced all road signs with the new road numbers.
At the Vernon Way/Earle Street roundabout, works to relocate and upgrade the zebra crossing were completed in February 2024.
On West Street, between Hightown junction and Dunwoody Way, we have introduced a 20mph speed limit zone. We also built two raised speed tables at the junctions with Ford Lane/Ramsbottom Street and Derby Street/Goddard Street. Speed cushions have been built at various other locations along West Street. These works were finished in November 2024.
In March 2025, we completed the first phase of improvements at the Broad Street / Hightown juncion. This included installing new traffic signals and pedestrian crossing facilities. We also resurfaced the road.
Future planned works for the A532
Further improvements at the Broad Street / Hightown junction, to upgrade the traffic signals so the lights turn green when a bus approaches, is planned for May / June 2025.
Provision of a cycle route along West Street and Vernon Way is being reviewed alongside wider walking and cycling plans for Crewe.