Housing strategies and policies

The Council is responsible for producing and enabling a number of strategies and policies which help to plan and deliver housing in Cheshire East.

Our Housing Strategy will look forward to what our ambitions and priorities should be and how we should focus our resources.  

A new Housing Strategy is being produced and is currently out to consultation until Tuesday 25th February 2025.

The Common Allocation Policy is the way the council and its partners allocate social housing. The central aim of the policy is to ensure that all social/ affordable housing is allocated fairly and objectively to those in the greatest housing need, having regard to any legislative requirements.

Our Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2021 – 2025 has been written in unprecedented times during the Covid -19 global pandemic.

Delivering a first-class service to households requiring assistance is Cheshire East Council’s priority, and any person who is homeless or facing homelessness will receive all the advice and support they need, when they need it. This Strategy outlines how we will prevent homelessness, giving residents the ability to access and sustain affordable housing and an improved quality of life.

The Tenancy Strategy sets out our expectations for registered social landlords in relation to the type of tenancies they will grant, setting out the broad objectives, which will assist the Registered Providers to formulate their own Tenancy Management policies.

The Home Repairs and Adaptations for Vulnerable People: Financial Assistance Policy outlines the grants and loans that we make available to support vulnerable people to achieve independence, affordable warmth, good health and wellbeing and a place to live.

Page last reviewed: 10 February 2025