Cheshire East Countryside Access Forum

Cheshire East Local Access Forum bannerThe purpose of the Forum is to encourage and enable public access to the countryside for recreation and enjoyment. It is a statutory body set up as part of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (2000) to advise Cheshire East Council and Natural England on putting the new legislation into effect. It is independent of the Council.

The Forum works to balance the desire for greater public access to the countryside with the needs of landowners and land managers and to ensure the natural environment is not damaged as a result. It also gives advice to planners of major housing and transport developments about protecting existing public rights of way and incorporating the needs of walkers and wheelers, cyclists, horse riders etc.

Its members are volunteers representing different countryside interests including cycling, walking and wheeling, conservation, land management and horse riding.

The Forum meets four times a year, with meetings being open to the public - please contact if you would be interested in attending.

It can set up sub-groups on particular issues to work outside these times and report back to the Forum. Recent work of the Forum has included:

  • Publicity following the NFU Mutual Rural Crime Report 2024
  • Submission to the Council’s consultation on the Local Plan Issues Paper
  • Supporting the Lindow Moss Partnership project Heritage Lottery Fund application

Forum members are happy to attend meetings of local groups to explain more about the work of the Forum - please get in touch if this might be of interest to your group.

The Forum covers all of Cheshire East except for that part of the county inside the Peak District National Park - the National Park has its own forum. The Terms of Reference of the Forum (PDF, 145KB) can be downloaded for information.


Current membership of the Forum is as follows:

Table list of forum members
Forum memberAreas of interest
Marian Andrews Disabled accessibility, walking
Alison Dale Accessibility, walking, conservation
Chris Driver Wildlife, conservation, planning
Terry Dykes Walking, cycling, running and wildlife conservation
John Handley - Vice Chair Land management, landscape interpretation
Cllr Chris Hilliard Ward Member for Wilmslow Lacey Green
John Matthews Walking, cycling, environment, conservation
Maurice Palin - Chair Walking, cycling, sustainable tourism, environmental issues
Laureen Roberts Accessibility, especially equestrian access
Gail Robinson Accessibility for all, walking, care and maintenance of the countryside
Richard Vickery Health improvement, local communities, walking
Helen Wainwright Land management, responsible footpath use
Ivor Williams Visitor and rural economy, land management
Martin Wood Accessibility, health improvement, cycling

Annual reports

The most recent annual reports of the Forum can be viewed here:

Meeting agendas and minutes

Document accessibility

Social media

Join us on Facebook

Cheshire East Countryside Access Forum on Facebook

Contact Public Rights of Way

Contact Cheshire East Countryside Access Forum (CECAF)

Contact Public Rights of Way

Cheshire East Countryside Access Forum Public Rights of Way - Privacy notice

Page last reviewed: 12 March 2025