Page last reviewed: 08 October 2024

Access control barrier removal proposals consultation

In order to improve access for all users, and particularly those with wheelchairs, mobility scooters, adaptive bicycles, visual impairment or with a companion, the Council is proposing to remove some access control barriers on the Biddulph Valley Way from Brook Street to the borough boundary at the Staffordshire border.  Proposed improvements will provide a 1.5m width at access points where practically possible.

At the Bromley Road / Brookhouse Lane entrance the intention is to provide a 1.5m width of access.  This may involve relocating railings to provide maximum sightlines along the road for the safety of users. 

We understand that these proposals would have a positive impact for some people. However, we are aware that the proposals may also raise concerns for others. We are therefore inviting comment to help understand any concerns and to identify any measures which may help to mitigate those concerns.

We would welcome any comments you may wish to make, in support of the proposals or to let us know any concerns you may have about the proposals.  Please let us know by 13th November 2024, by emailing, so that we can take your comments into consideration. 

Page last reviewed: 08 October 2024