Health and wellbeing information

We think you will find the following links useful, but please note that Cheshire East Council accepts no responsibility for external sites or their contents.

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Health - general information

Active lifestyle and social activities

  • Age UK Cheshire Provides a wide range of activity sessions to suit all abilities and encourage active lifestyles
  • Change4Life Ideas to help families eat well, move more and live longer
  • Everybody Health and Leisure Centres facilities, classes and more delivered in partnership with Cheshire East Council
  • Exercise Guidance and workouts from the NHS
  • Guild for Lifelong Learning Offers a range of classes and courses for adults, in partnership with Cheshire East Lifelong Learning
  • Wishing Well Runs community activities to health, wellbeing and personal development

Pregnancy and early years

  • Action on Postpartum Psychosis Information and support for mums and families affected by postpartum psychosis
  • Best Beginnings Baby Buddy app Self-care tools to support mums, dads and caregivers during pregnancy, birth and the first 12 months of their baby's life
  • Birth Trauma Association Information and support for women and families who have experienced traumatic birth
  • CATCH - Common Approach to Children's Health (CATCH) is a free NHS health app for parents and carers of children from pregnancy to age 5
  • Fatherhood Factsheets Information for dads including topics such as looking after your health, and men and baby loss
  • HENRY Enabling happy, healthy childhoods, with tips, recipes and activity ideas for parents. Programmes running in Cheshire and Merseyside
  • Maternal Mental Health Alliance Support for women and families impacted by perinatal mental health problems
  • Maternal OCD Information and support for mums and families affected by perinatal OCD
  • PANDAS Foundation Information and support for families who may be suffering with perinatal mental illness, including prenatal (antenatal) and postnatal depression
  • Pregnancy NHS guide on trying for a baby, pregnancy, labour and birth
  • Royal College of Psychiatrists Information related to mental health and wellbeing before, during and after pregnancy
  • Sands Information and support for anyone who has been affected by pregnancy loss or the death of a baby before, during of shortly after birth
  • Tommy's Information and support for parents on pregnancy and baby loss including miscarriage, stillbirth and premature birth

Dementia care and carers

Disabilities and neurodiversity

End of life care, bereavement and grief

Mental health

Young people and children's mental health

  • Action for Children Resources for good mental health
  • Childline
  • Every Mind Matters NHS advice on looking after a child or young person's mental health
  • Just Drop In Help children and young people who are finding life hard to find their feet
  • Kooth Online support for young people, useful resources, fact sheets and information
  • Mental health for children, teenagers and young adults Advice and support from the NHS
  • NSPCC Help and advice recognising the signs that a child may be struggling with their mental health
  • Place2Be Children’s mental health charity that provides support to pupils, families and staff in UK schools. Also offers expert training and professional qualifications, and organises the annual Children's Mental Health Week
  • Reading Well for Children Collection of self-help books for a range of mental and physical health conditions and pressures, aimed at children aged 7-11 years and their families
  • Reading Well for Teens Collection of self-help books aimed at 13-18 year olds covering a broad range of topics to help cope with emotions, handle difficult experiences and build confidence
  • YoungMinds Child and adolescent mental health 

Page last reviewed: 17 February 2025