How adult social care and support is paid for

View paying for adult social care services

People in England receiving adult social care services must pay for their care. You should expect to pay towards the cost of care services unless your assets, savings and income are very low. 

How much will have to be paid

The amount you will have to pay depends on the type of help you need and the savings and income that you have. There are three levels:

  • if you have income and savings of more than £23,250 you will need to pay the full cost of your care
  • if your income and savings are between £14,250 and £23,250 you will need to pay a contribution towards your care
  • and if you have less than £14,250 you may make a contribution from your income

Further information is contained in our fact sheets:

Financial assessment

You will be offered a financial assessment and welfare benefit check to determine your ability to pay.

We will start your financial assessment using data the Council holds or can access through the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).  

A Financial Coordinator will be allocated to you to explain the process and assist with any queries.

If a property is left empty by a person now living in a residential care home you may be eligible to apply for a Council Tax reduction.

Page last reviewed: 05 June 2024

Contact details

Adult Social Care

0300 123 5010

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