Continuing healthcare

Continuing healthcare is the name given to a package of care arranged and funded by the NHS for people outside of hospital who have ongoing complex healthcare needs. People receiving continuing healthcare can be living in any setting including their own home or a care home. 

NHS continuing healthcare is free, unlike help from social care which may be chargeable dependent on your income and savings. In your own home, this means that the NHS will pay for assessed health care needs. In a care home, the NHS also pays for your care home fees including board and accommodation. 

To be considered eligible for  NHS continuing healthcare you must request an assessment and be over the age of 18, have a complex medical condition and substantial and ongoing care needs.

Request an assessment

If you live in Cheshire East, further information on continuing healthcare, including how to request an assessment can be found on the Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group website

Page last reviewed: 25 November 2024

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Adult Social Care

0300 123 5010

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