Let's Talk Twos

‘Being two is one of the most amazing, fascinating, confusing and unsettling development phases of a child’s life’ I am two (K,Matheison;2013)

Here are some resources to help you embed high quality practice and provision for two year olds in your setting: 

News for 2's logo

Lets Talk Twos

Termly training and networks

Standing in the shoes of two year olds training

Lets talk twos networks

For upcoming dates and to book a place on the training please follow this link Early Years and Childcare Training Resources (cheshireeast.gov.uk)

Resources for the lead practitioner for 2 year olds

Supporting Documents 

Are you ready for me - now I'm 2?

An invaluable ‘best practice toolkit’ containing links to the seven areas of learning and development, providing early years practitioners with a scaffolded approach for evaluating and improving current provision for 2 year olds. This guidance document is available to purchase through the online shop.  

Useful Links 

Page last reviewed: 13 May 2022

Contact details

01625 374182

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