Special Guardianship Support

Special Guardianship Orders (SGO) are where a child and/or children are placed under the permanent care of those who they already have an existing relationship with. It is a Court order made by the Family Courts to ensure children’s safety and care for the duration of their childhood. It provides Special Guardians with parental responsibilities for the child/children and the child/children with permanent legal security.

Help that the SGO Support Team can offer

Cheshire East’s Special Guardianship Support Team, support you as our Special Guardianship carers and your children who are subject to Special Guardianship Orders. Our support comes into place following a Special Guardianship Order being granted by the Family Courts for a child and/or their siblings, if granted within Cheshire East or within another Local Authority, more than three years ago.

We offer:

  • Access to our local SGO Support Groups held monthly in Macclesfield and Crewe
  • Advice around Family Time Contact with the birth family
  • Advice around your responsibilities as an SGO Carer
  • Advice around your SGO child’s needs / questions
  • Specialist therapeutic training for SGO Carers to support you with your SGO child/children
  • Life story work with SGO Children and their carers to help them better understand their journey
  • Access to the Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund (for previously looked after children) exploring specialist assessments and/or therapeutic interventions
  • Access to our family help and universal services offer within Cheshire East

Special Guardianship Support Needs Assessment

The above support is identified following completion of a Special Guardianship Support Needs Assessment. This is completed by us within 30 working days of a referral being accepted.

Make a referral to the Special Guardianship Support Team

To make a referral into the Special Guardianship Support Team in Cheshire East, use our referral portal.

Referrals can be made by professionals or yourself as an SGO Carer. Referrals can be made after a Special Guardianship Order has been granted.

Further information

Contact the Special Guardianship Support Team

You can contact us with any queries via - SGOsupportteam@cheshireeast.gov.uk

Page last reviewed: 27 August 2024

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