Extra Help forms and support for professionals

Extra Help forms

Completed Extra Help forms, including direct work with children and young people, should be sent to the Partnership Family Help Officers.

If you have no access to secure email please use Egress

Where you are already leading an Extra Help Assessment and Plan with family and require additional support you can contact the Family Help Front Door Team using the Early Help Support Referral Form where the request will be considered.

Extra Help forms guidance

There is guidance included within the form below on how to complete each section of the form.

Professionals may also want to refer to the multi-agency guidance on thresholds of need (PDF, 372KB) on the Cheshire East Safeguarding Children's Partnership

When discussing consent and information sharing with children, young people and their families, practitioners should advise them that the form will be stored centrally and securely.

Practitioners completing Extra Help forms should keep the original signed copies in a secure place, following their own agency procedures. If you will be sending it in to us electronically, please write "signed copy on case file" on the signature line(s).

Arrangements with other Local Authorities

Every Local Authority has its own arrangements for early help assessments; some use CAF others use different assessments – but they are all fairly similar. It has been agreed across the North West authorities that each LA will accept another authorities forms. So for example if a child lives in Middlewich but attends a school in Winsford (Cheshire West) and some one from the school starts a CAF using the Cheshire West forms, we in Cheshire East will accept those documents. Similarly if a SENCO at a school in Wilmslow wishes to do an Early Help assessment for a child resident in Cheadle (Stockport) who attends Wilmslow school then Stockport would accept the Cheshire East paperwork.

Additional needs

If your Child has additional needs it may be useful to consult specialist organisations for more specific information for example:

Child or Adolescent Violence to Parents - Toolkit for Professionals

A toolkit has been developed to support multi-agency professionals working with families where there are issues with child to parent violence and adolescent to parent violence. This toolkit contains sessions for working with parents and children and guidance for delivery. Worksheets are included and can be copied and/or printed as required.  

The intended use of this toolkit is to improve family communication and conflict management so that families can continue the work independently.

Page last reviewed: 31 January 2021

Contact details

Partnership Family Help
Cheshire East Council

Partnership Family Help - Cheshire East Council Partnershipfamilyhelp@cheshireeast.gov.uk

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