Help for teachers and professionals who work with children

The national body for personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education has a wealth of materials that can help teachers, leads and other practitioners to address sexual harassment and abuse in your school, college, learning or activity centre.

Useful organisations

Medway Public Health Directorate

A suite of lessons on managing healthy and unhealthy relationship behaviours

Learn more

Disrespect NoBody

Discussion guides, session plans and resources to help prevent teenage relationship abuse.

Learn more

PSHE Association Resources

Access a library of free, high-quality teaching resources to develop a good PSHE curriculum.

Learn more

Act on it Now

If you’re a professional working with young people and teens, Act on it Now also has guidance and resources that can help you talk about unhealthy and harmful relationships.

Learn more

What do we mean by Sexual Harassment?

  • Sexist name calling
  • Sexual comments, remarks and jokes e.g. wolf whistling or catcalling
  • Rumours about your sex life
  • Upskirting
  • Sexting
  • Pictures you don’t want to send or see e.g. dick pics, nudes, porn
  • Being photographed or filmed without your consent
  • Circulating pictures or videos you’ve shared without your knowledge or consent
  • Pressure to do sexual things you don’t want to
  • Unwanted touching
  • Sexual assault of any kind

SHOUT campaign

Together with our partners we have created an advertising campaign to raise awareness of sexual harassment. A range of communications are available to download to support your own activities.

Learn more about the SHOUT campaign

Page last reviewed: 08 March 2022

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