Learning Disability Partnership Board

The Learning Disability Partnership Board’s role is to represent everyone in Cheshire East who has a learning disability and to be your voice.

We use the Learning Disability Self-Assessment Framework as our focus.

We promote and coordinate working together in Learning Disability services in Cheshire East Council, the NHS and voluntary organisations.

Minutes of the Board

Live Well Directory

We produce a directory of services that support people with a learning disability. These services can be accessed through Live Well Cheshire East, or are available through the Growing Opportunities for Learning Disabilities (GOLD) booklet (PDF, 3.6MB).

Cheshire East Place: Learning Disability Plan 2024-2029 (PDF, 547KB) sets out the vision, ambitions, and commissioning intentions for people with learning disabilities of all ages living in Cheshire East. We co-produced the strategy with individuals who have a learning disability and their parents and carers, as we are committed to listening to and acting on the user voice and incorporating it within the strategy and future commissioning intentions. We produced the strategy collaboratively with a wide range of stakeholders from across social care, health, education, the voluntary sector and independent providers delivering care and support.

Page last reviewed: 18 November 2024

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