Pregnancy and birth
View pregnancy and birth support services
NHS pregnancy information
The NHS pregnancy support pages offer advice, support and also related facts.
Deciding to have a baby is a life-changing experience. Whatever your age or experience there will no doubt be a list of questions of which you will seek answers. This section aims to answer the most common ones but always talk to your health care professional regarding your own personal circumstances and he/she will be able to guide you.
Signs and symptoms of early pregnancy
The earliest sign is usually a missed period. If you are used to having a regular monthly bleed then missing one could mean you are pregnant. Other symptoms can include the following:
- morning sickness (though this can occur at any time during the day)
- feeling tired
- feeling you need to urinate more frequently than usual
- sore or tender breasts
- strange tastes, smells and/or cravings
This list is not exhaustive. Always talk to your health care professional should you have any concerns or worries.
What to expect in the first few weeks
During your pregnancy you will be offered 2 scans, though some women may be offered more. The first scan is usually offered between 8 – 14 weeks of pregnancy and the second one usually at 18 – 21 weeks. Each scan has a different purpose though you do not have to accept the offer of any scan appointment and you can refuse.
Ultrasound scans can:
- check your baby is growing normally
- calculate your due date (based on baby’s size)
- check if you are expecting more than one baby
- show the position of your baby and placenta
- detect some abnormalities
- Antenatal checks.
Start for life email updates
NHS Start for Life personalised emails have been created to support you throughout pregnancy and parenthood. Once you've signed up, you'll receive regular emails tailored to your stage of pregnancy or your child's age.
Sign up to: Start for Life emails - NHS (
Book a midwifery appointment
Here in Cheshire East maternity appointments are made by self referral for the 2 hospitals in our area.
Macclesfield Hospital
Self Referral Form for Antenatal Care
Once you have been referred you will be given appointment if you need to re-arrange this -
Leighton Hospital
Maternity Outpatients Self Referral Form for Leighton Hospital
Once you have been referred you will be given appointment if you need to re arrange this -
- Call: 01270 612184 / 01270 273127 Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
- Leighton Maternity Triage for urgent care - Call: 01270 273116; 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you experience any of the following during your pregnancy please call using the numbers above:
- Vaginal bleeding
- Early labour
- Constant tummy pain
- Your baby is not moving, or the movements are not the usual pattern
- Persistent headache not resolved with paracetamol
- Starred vision or disturbed vision
- Epigastric pain not resolved with antacids
- If you have any other concerns
Labour and birth
You may decide to give birth at home, in a hospital or in a midwifery led unit. There are various important points to consider when deciding which location is best for you and your baby. Your midwife will be able to talk through the various options with you and even if you make a decision you are still entitled to change your mind as your due date grows nearer.
Pain relief during labour
Labour can cause pain and as a result you may require different ways of managing the pain. Become familiar with the act of labour, speak to your midwife and read up; that way you will know what to expect once the big day arrives.
If you decide that you would like pain relief there are a number of options available:
- gas and air
- pethidine
- epidural
- TENS machine
Practising your breathing, changing positions and using support such as a birthing ball or a birthing pool can also help your levels of pain. Everyone copes differently – weigh up each option and write down your choices within your birthing plan.
0-19 health visiting service
Health Visiting Service in Cheshire East delivers the Healthy Child Programme to all parents and families of pre-school children as well as the following services:
- antenatal visits
- new birth visit, advice and support in caring for a new baby (10-14 days old)
- contact at 4-8 weeks, 9-12 months and 2-2 ½ years – including physical and developmental reviews at 9-12 months and 2-2½ years
- support for specific issues such as postnatal depression
- one-to-one breastfeeding support
- feeding, weaning and dental health advice
- vaccinations (immunisations)
- support and advice on family health and minor illnesses
- emotional and mental wellbeing support
- physical and developmental reviews (9-12 months and 2-2.5 years)
- child safety advice
- sleep or behaviour concerns
- parenting support
- information about other services and community groups (e.g, Family Hubs, breastfeeding support groups)
- referrals into specialist services e.g, Speech and Language Therapy
After the Birth
If you experience any of the following in the days after your birth symptoms:
- If your bleeding is becoming heavier or you are passing clots
- You are concerned that your wound site is becoming infected (red, inflamed, painful, swelling, oozing)
- Your vaginal discharge is offensive, or your stitches become more painful
- You are concerned about your baby feeding, or if your baby is sleepy and not waking for feeds
- You feel unwell and/or feverish
- You have pain or swelling in your legs or feel short of breath
- If you have any other concerns
Macclesfield Hospital
- Maternity Ward - 01625 661148 or 01625 661155; 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Macclesfield Community Midwives - 01625 661145
- Special Care Baby Unit - 01625 661147
Leighton Hospital
- Maternity Ward - 01270 273116; 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Leighton Community Midwifes - 01270 273127
Page last reviewed: 05 March 2025
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