Personal Budgets for health

Children and young people - NHS Continuing Care

Children and young people up to their 18th birthday may receive continuing care funding towards a package of support if they have needs arising from disability, accident or illness that can't be met by existing universal or specialist services alone. Many children with complex health needs may have all of their health needs met by currently commissioned Universal, Targeted and Specialist services. However, those with the most complex of needs may experience unmet need and are likely to require Continuing Care funding to meet this need.

The Children’s Complex Care commissioning team co-ordinate and oversee specialist assessments of children with complex health needs working closely with Health and Local Authority colleagues. Eligibility for Continuing Care funding is decided according to the National Framework for Children and Young People’s Continuing Care (2010).

From October 2014, children in receipt of Continuing Care have had a right to have a personal health budget. If Continuing Care funding is taken as a personal health budget, it can be managed in the following ways:

  • As a Notional Budget that is held by the NHS
  • Through a third party arrangement – People Plus
  • As a Direct Payment to the individual

If a personal health budget is not the best fit for you and you meet the criteria for Continuing Care funding, the support could be commissioned directly by the NHS.

Where an individual is assessed and found to be eligible for NHS Continuing Care funding, it can be used in a number of ways to create a package of support for the individual, for example:

  • To employ a Personal Assistant (PA) or Agency support.

For further information, including information on referrals see :

Adults - NHS Continuing Healthcare

NHS Continuing Healthcare is available to adults aged 18 and above with continuing complex needs that cannot be met by existing services. Assessments are carried out through a multi disciplinary team of health and care professionals who will determine whether an individual is eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare, based upon the National Decision Support Tool (DST) for Continuing Healthcare. If eligibility is established and needs are identified, the level of support provided will look to meet these needs and provide an accurate level of support. During the course of supporting an individual, care needs may change and this will be reflected in the support received by the individual. 

From October 2014, adults in receipt of Continuing Healthcare have had a right to have a personal health budget. If Continuing Healthcare funding is taken as a personal health budget, it can be managed in the following ways:  

  • As a Notional Budget that is held by the NHS
  • Through a third party arrangement – People Plus
  • As a Direct Payment to the individual
  • A combination of the above options.

If a personal health budget is not the best fit for you and you meet the criteria for continuing healthcare funding, the support could be commissioned directly by the NHS.

If an individual is eligible, NHS Continuing Healthcare can be used in a number of ways to create a package of support for the individual, for example:

  • To meet complex health needs through employment of a Personal Assistant, agency staff etc.

For information on referrals and further information, please see the links:

Page last reviewed: 07 August 2020

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