Page last reviewed: 01 February 2021


Celebrating Adam's fabulous achievements on his supported internship

5 February 2021

The young man in this photograph is called Adam. Adam attended the David Lewis college, before embarking on his supported internship. He is a hard worker and loves being busy, he learns visually (almost instantly) and is happiest when part of a team.

Adam is autistic, non-verbal and has minimal understanding of spoken language.  Some might say that these things could be a barrier to him achieving his potential, however, Adam has worked hard with his job coach to develop his skills and confidence and has overcome all the barriers mentioned above and is now working independently!

Adam has demonstrated what a fabulous employee he is, and what is possible with the right support. He was offered a paid job in December and started his new role on the 5 January. Adam is working 25 hours per week, with the view to increase this in the future. He is doing brilliantly!

Adam’s achievements will certainly be life changing for him and I hope that his story will be inspirational to many. We wish him well in his new role.

To contact the supported internships team visit our Local Offer