Page last reviewed: 07 December 2022

Survey image

Delivering Better Value in SEND - Cheshire East Parent / Carer Survey

7 December 2022

Dear Colleague,

As you may be aware, Cheshire East Council has been invited to be part of the Delivering Better Value (DBV) programme that was announced by the Department for Education (DfE) in February this year. The programme is designed to provide dedicated support to help 55 local authorities where substantial deficit issues have been identified.

There are various phases of the DBV programme. As part of the diagnostic phase, we will be applying for a one-off transformational grant of approximately £1 million, which requires submission by 23 January 2023; to support this work, we will need evidence to support our application and we would like to ask for your involvement. As a multi-agency network, your information will be critical.

The DBV programme will support Cheshire East to identify local and national opportunities to improve the outcomes for children and young people with SEND .

We are conducting a range of surveys to ensure that any proposals for change are influenced and shaped by you. The purpose of these surveys is to establish how we, as a Local Authority and Multi-Agency network, can better support children with SEND in a more proactive and sustainable way. We are exploring how we can do things differently to support children within their education, ensuring they receive the right level of support, at the right time, utilising and accessing resources in the most effective way, to ensure children and young people’s needs and outcomes are met.

Please follow the links to the toolkit for inclusion and SEND review: right support, right place, right time to support with any additional information you may require around Cheshire East graduated approach, the SEND toolkit and the DBV programme.

We would like to hear your views and therefore we would like to ask if you could complete the Delivering Better Value in SEND survey by 16 December 2022. We appreciate the short turnaround for responding to these surveys, however we really value the input from you, as your feedback is critical to ensure we focus change in the right areas for our children, young people and families.

We thank you for your continued support.

Kind Regards,

Laura Rogerson, Head of Service for Inclusion.