Cheshire East Local Offer

Where to find the Cheshire East Local Offer

The Local Offer is part of Live Well Cheshire East - an online resource providing information and advice for children and adults on topics such as education, staying healthy, care and support and community activities, along with a directory of services.

Search the Local Offer here to find a service for special educational needs and/or disabilities

Local Offer Logo

 The Cheshire East Local Offer:

  • includes information about the support and provision that families can expect from a wide range of agencies for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities (SEND) from birth to 25 years old
  • covers support and provision for children and young people with and without an Education, Health and Care Plan or Statement of Special Educational Need
  • is set out in one place so families and professionals have access to the same information
  • describes available support and services within Cheshire East, along with provision outside of Cheshire East that families may also be able to access
  • has been co-produced with families and professionals from a wide variety of agencies across Cheshire East

Cheshire East guiding principles (PDF, 340KB) were produced through collaborative work between professionals from a variety of agencies and local parent carers to guide the development of the Cheshire East Local Offer.

The Local Offer has two key purposes:

  1. To provide clear, comprehensive, accessible and up-to-date information about the available provision and how to access it, and
  2. To make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations by directly involving children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or a disability, their parents, and service providers in its development and review

The Local Offer provides information on a wide range of areas, including:

  • education and training
  • health provision
  • care provision
  • childcare
  • things to do
  • money and Benefits
  • preparing for adulthood
  • advice and support
  • getting around (travel arrangements)
  • how to tell us what you think about the Local Offer

Information for education providers on Implementing the Local Offer in Cheshire East

Page last reviewed: 07 October 2024

Contact details

Email SEND Partnership

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