Page last reviewed: 09 May 2022

Demolition Notices

You must give the building control team 6 weeks notice if you plan to demolish a building or part of a building over 50 cubic metres. 

You may also need planning permission or other planning consents - see the Planning Portal.

You can send the form by email or post.

Form  -  Demolition Notice (PDF, 174KB) 

Email - email your form to 

Post - post your form to Municipal Buildings, Earle St, Crewe, CW1 2BJ

Paying for a Demolition Notice

A Demolition Notice costs £225 (VAT not applicable).

After we get your form, we will give you a reference number. You will need this to make payment. We can only start to process the notice once you have paid, so you should pay the demolition notice fee as soon as you can. 


We will set conditions for the demolition which you must comply with. These may include, for example, weatherproofing adjoining buildings, disconnecting  services (gas, water, electricity), sealing or removing sewers and drains. If you disagree with the conditions you can appeal to the magistrate's court.

If you demolish a building without a Demolition Notice

We may prosecute you if you demolish a building over 50 cubic metres without a demolition notice.

Contact us

01270 375256

Building Control
C/O Delamere House
Delamere Street


Page last reviewed: 09 May 2022