Page last reviewed: 21 November 2024

What to do during a flood

Keep up to date

Listen to local radio stations, call the Floodline on 0345 988 1188, or follow us Facebook and X (was Twitter) for the latest flooding updates. 

If flooding is imminent

If your home is at immediate risk of flooding:

  • turn off your gas, electricity and water supplies, if it is safe to do so
  • move as much as you can, including food and important documents, upstairs
  • use flood barriers or air brick covers, if you have them, to protect doorways and low level air vents
  • move your family, pets and vehicles to safety - upstairs or to higher ground
  • follow your personal flood plan if you have one

GOV.UK has more information on what to do before or during a flood.

Prepare a flood kit

Pack essentials in a waterproof bag, including:

  • important documents (passports, birth certificates, insurance papers, medication prescriptions)
  • a torch with batteries
  • a wind up or battery radio
  • mobile phone and charger (consider a portable power bank)
  • bottled water and non-perishable food
  • baby food and care items if you have an infant
  • first aid kit and essential medication
  • warm, waterproof clothing and blankets
  • personal hygiene items (soap, hand sanitiser, wet wipes)
  • important contacts and phone numbers

If you need to evacuate

If you are advised to evacuate:

  • stay calm and act quickly
  • take your flood kit of essentials with you
  • put small animals / pets in pet carriers or a secure box
  • check neighbours are aware of the emergency and if they need help
  • check gas, electric and water are off and lock your property when you leave

Evacuation centres

The emergency services may tell you to go to a temporary evacuation point where you will be picked up to be taken on to a designated evacuation centre.

The emergency services will tell you the best route to the evacuation centre or temporary evacuation point depending on the circumstances of the emergency, so follow their directions. 

Stay safe

Keep yourself and your family safe by:

  • not walking or driving through flood water
  • abiding by road closure signs
  • keeping children and vulnerable people away from flood water 

Page last reviewed: 21 November 2024