During a flood

  • Keep an emergency grab bag with items such as a radio with spare batteries or a wind up radio. A battery torch with spare batteries or a wind up torch. First aid kit and medication, bottled water and emergency food enough for three days. Copies of important family documents in a waterproof bag, such as passports, birth and insurance certificates.
  • Protect doorways and low level air vents with property flood resilience products, installed in advance of flooding.
  • Turn off gas and electricity.
  • Move as much as you can, including food, upstairs.
  • If you are trapped by flooding, remain near a window to attract attention.
  • Call Floodline on 0845 988 1188 for warnings and information.
  • Check on your neighbours, particularly those who are elderly or infirm.

Visit the Environment Agency website for up-to-date information.

In the event of flooding, there may be risks of ill-health due to water-borne infection.

The Health Protection Agency have issued advice on what measures should be taken to reduce these risks.

The Environment Agency have produced 3 guides giving practical advice on preparing before a flood, and what to do during and after a flood.

The Cheshire Resilience Forum has information on how to prepare for an emergency.

Cheshire East Flood Mitigation Policy

The government advice is that property owners in flood risk areas install property flood resilience products in advance of flooding.

Page last reviewed: 30 April 2024