Page last reviewed: 11 June 2024

Flood incident investigations and reports

We review any reported flooding where people or property, businesses or critical infrastructure were involved. If the impact of the flood is deemed to be significant by the Lead Local Flood Authority (S19), a formal flood investigation will be undertaken.

If you have experienced internal flooding which you believe requires an investigation by the LLFA please report the incident and a member of the team will respond.

Formal flood investigations

The purpose of a formal flood investigation is to:

  • Identify the main flooding mechanisms at that time
  • Identify any mitigations which can be implemented/improved to reduced the chances of the event re-occurring
  • Identify all impacted parties and engage to understand how events unfolded and advice on flood preparedness and property flood resilience
  • The results will be published and data shared with other flood risk management authorities. These include United Utilities and the Environment Agency

Flood reviews where a formal investigation is not needed

Where we review a flood and find a formal investigation is not needed, we share our findings with the person who asked for the review and with other flood risk management authorities and relevant landowners/occupiers. We also record the review to help us make decisions about future flood risk management. 

Flood review and investigation timescales

Where we have a number of flooding incidents to investigate, we look first at those where the potential risk to the community as a whole is highest. We aim to publish reports in a timely manner.

Current flood investigations

  • S19 – Whitehall Brook - we’re currently undertaking a formal investigation into flooding on Alderley Road, Wilmslow.

Contact us on 0300 123 5500 or report flooding at your property on any date or in any location within Cheshire East.

Past flood incident investigations

To protect confidentiality, we remove personal/property details from flood reports.

Page last reviewed: 11 June 2024