Flood risk management

Local authorities have regulatory powers in relation to flood risk management and are responsible for managing flood risk from surface water, ground water, and ordinary watercourses. We also work with other organisations and people to manage flood risk from all sources across Cheshire East. 

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As a regulatory body (Lead Local Flood Authority), we have a duty to manage flood risk from surface water, groundwater and ordinary watercourses. An ordinary watercourse is any watercourse that is not a  main river managed by the Environment Agency.

Responsibilities include:

  • co-ordinating the management of flood risk from these sources across Cheshire East, bringing together all the relevant stakeholders

To tackle flood risk in an integrated way across the region, we are a member of the Cheshire Mid-Mersey local authority partnership.

We work in partnership with organisations and individuals responsible for managing flood risk from other sources. These include:

  • the Environment Agency -  main rivers, reservoirs, estuaries and the sea
  • United Utilities - sewerage and some surface water systems
  • the Canal and River Trust
  • businesses, landowners, householders and community groups

The Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) are a statutory consultee for all major planning applications and also review and comment on many minor planning applications to they and ensure than development across Cheshire East does not increase flood risk to people or property in the development area or surrounding areas. More information on this can be found on our surface water management for new development page.

Our Flood Risk Management Strategy considers measures to help reduce flood risk, from better planning of new developments to ensuring emergency responders understand where the greatest risks are. The goal of the strategy is to make sure that flooding is managed effectively and addressed according to the level of risk.

The strategy includes:

  • an assessment of flood risk
  • the roles and responsibilities of everyone involved, including householders and community groups
  • flood risk maps

See Cheshire East Strategic Flood Risk Assessment.

To find out what flood risk management schemes and activities are happening in your area, see the Flood Hub interactive flood map.

You are responsible for protecting your own property from floods. See the Flood Hub to find out what you can do to prepare for floods and protect your property and the people in it. You can also submit an enquiry where we may be able to advice on potential Property Flood Resilience measures which could minimise the impact of a flood would have on your property or business.

People with watercourses on or near to their land have particular flood risk management responsibilities for maintaining the free and unimpeded flow of water through the channel. Please see owning a watercourse for more information on this.

We are compiling a register of physical features and structures in Cheshire East that help manage/ are poignant to flood risk with Cheshire East (flood risk management assets). 

Assets included within the register can be natural (walls, bunds, ponds etc), man-made, council owner or within private ownership, assets which are recorded within the register are subject to regular checks to ensure they are continuing to operate as they should and any maintenance requirements and noted.

GOV.UK gives information about the flood asset designation process.

Page last reviewed: 11 June 2024