Site LPS 10: East Shavington
The development of East Shavington over the Local Plan Strategy period will be achieved through:
- The delivery of up to 275 new homes, with no construction of any dwelling prior to 01/01/17;
- The provision of green infrastructure including:
- Allotments or community woodland;
- Open space including children's play space;
- Multi use games area or outdoor gym;
- Nature conservation area;
- Drainage areas;
- Incidental open space;
- The improvement of existing and provision of new pedestrian and cycle links to link new and existing residential areas, employment areas, shops, schools and health facilities;
- On site provision, or where appropriate, relevant contributions towards highways and transport, education, health, open space and community facilities; and
- The site will be developed only where it can be demonstrated that there is no adverse impact on West Midland Mosses SAC and Midland Meres and Mosses Phase 1 Ramsar (Wybunbury Moss SSSI) particularly in relation to changes in water levels and quality and recreational pressures. This should include a Habitats Regulations Assessment of the direct and indirect impacts of the development on the features of special interest. Where impacts cannot be avoided, appropriate mitigation measures will be required to ensure no adverse effects on the integrity of the site.
Site Specific Principles of Development
- Consideration of any impact on the Wybunbury Moss Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Ramsar site and implementation of any mitigation measures.
- Contributions towards public transport and highways improvements.
- Contributions towards habitat improvements within the Meres and Mosses Natural Improvement Area.
- Contributions towards a planned improvement of Gresty Road and the Crewe Green Link Road.
- Contributions towards education provision.
- Contributions towards health infrastructure.
- Development should incorporate green infrastructure and reflect 'The Green Infrastructure Action Plan for Crewe' (TEP, 2012) including tree planting; the creation of tree lined boulevards with the provision of greenspaces within new developments. This should include the creation of green spaces, including those linking green infrastructure, with safe and secure pedestrian and cycle routes that should be integrated into any development proposals.
- Provision of SuDS included as part of green infrastructure on the site.
- The Local Plan Strategy site is expected to provide affordable housing in line with the policy requirements set out in Policy SC 5 'Affordable Homes'.
- Important hedgerows and trees to be retained and incorporated within the development.
- The development should be supported by an appropriate Travel Plan, including measures to monitor its implementation.
- An up to date archaeological report to be produced, to include appropriate mitigation, if required.
- An up to date contaminated land study to be produced, to include appropriate mitigation, if required.
15.153 Planning approval was granted on appeal for 275 dwellings (25/07/14) on the site (13/2069N). The application has included a Habitats Regulations Assessment which considered the impact of the proposal on Wybunbury Moss Special Area of Conservation and Ramsar site. Reserved matters approval for 275 dwellings was granted on 15/12/15 (15/4047N).
15.154 The provision of new green infrastructure and the improvement of existing green infrastructure are of paramount importance. This will assist in improving the health and wellbeing of residents, as well as enhancing the environment of the town and reflects the findings of the Green Infrastructure Action Plan for Crewe (TEP, 2012) and will also help deliver the aspirations of ‘All Change for Crewe: High Growth City’.
15.155 The Wybunbury Moss Special Area of Conservation and Ramsar site lie within close proximity of this site. It is important that this site contributes towards habitat improvements at Wybunbury Moss. The provision of green infrastructure, open space and SuDS should reduce any potential impacts on European designated sites.
15.156 The existing landscape includes some hedgerows and hedgerow trees of landscape value. All these features should be conserved, utilised and extended as part of the landscape framework and green infrastructure proposals within the development.
15.157 Contributions are required to be made for improvements to public transport, highways and education.
15.158 It is important that cycle and pedestrian links between the site and nearby residential and employment areas are provided, to integrate the site within the area and ensure sustainability.
15.159 As a result of congestion issues around the current access to Crewe Station and the town centre from the southwest of Crewe there are plans between now and 2020 to improve the Station access. These plans will be developed through discussions with Network Rail and HS2 in association with the wider aspirations for Crewe Station.
15.160 The planned development around Crewe and growth in the rail network as well as HS2 has led to the pressing need to make changes to Crewe Station and access to it, this need has been recognised by the rail industry. Strategic modelling of the area shows that without changes to the existing pinch points around the Station area, then further development beyond what is committed to the southwest of the Station should be limited until the necessary improvements are in place.
15.161 Details of Construction Environment Management Plans, landscaping, green infrastructure and open space proposals should be submitted to the council during any future planning application process on this site as part of sustainable development proposals and their proximity to European site (consisting of either Special Areas of Conservation, Special Protection Areas and / or Ramsar sites).
15.162 Any replacement and/or new sports provision should be in accordance with an adopted up to date and robust Playing Pitch Strategy and Indoor Sports Strategy and with Policy SC 2 ‘Indoor and Outdoor Sports Facilities’.
15.163 The council expects that the following are considered in the context of the ecological value of the site due to its proximity to a European site(s):
- impact on natural hydrological function, pathways, groundwater and surface water
- impact on recharge to groundwater and consequent impact on site
- impact on water resources
- impact on water chemistry
- impacts on nutrient status
- risks from pollution during construction (e.g. spillages or minor pollution incidents and the storage of oils and fuels)
- impacts from changes to air quality from construction and ‘end use’ traffic emissions resulting in potential for increased nitrogen deposition
- impacts from dust generated during the construction work
- impact of increased foot traffic on sensitive habitats and species
Policy information
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