Strategic Location LPS 12: Central Macclesfield
Within the area identified as Central Macclesfield, the council will look to maximise opportunities for improvement and regeneration, incorporating the introduction of new and the improvement of existing green infrastructure. The regeneration and development of Central Macclesfield over the Local Plan Strategy period will be achieved through:
- The delivery of new dwellings;
- Support for new and improved retail and leisure developments that are in-centre and improve the quality of the shopping experience;
- Provision of other commercial uses including B1 office use;
- Support for enhanced cultural offer;
- Support for new restaurants and cafés, to increase footfall throughout the evening;
- Delivery of landmark, well designed buildings;
- Appropriate car parking;
- Promotion of the local markets;
- Improvements to the public realm;
- Incorporation of green infrastructure, including:
- Improvements to existing green infrastructure;
- Increased tree planting and the creation of tree lined boulevards;
- The creation of greenspaces within new developments;
- Improved pedestrian and cycle links to the railway station and bus station;
- Pedestrian and cycle links to new and existing residential areas, shops, schools and health facilities;
- On site provision, or where appropriate, relevant contributions towards highways and transport, education, health, open space and community facilities;
- Highway improvements to Cumberland Street corridor and Hibel Road, Flower Pot junction and Broken Cross junction or as determined through any future transport study;
- Improved strategic highways links towards the north and Manchester on the A523 corridor, including Poynton Relief Road;
- Maximising opportunities to bring disused and underused buildings back into use; and
- The provision of high quality design is of paramount importance, as this site includes numerous listed buildings, four conservation areas and locally important buildings and spaces. Development should have regard to the need to conserve and enhance the character and appearance of the listed buildings and conservation areas, including their settings.
Site Specific Principles of Development
- The overriding objective is to create a quality of life and urban environment which is attractive for all those who want to live, work and shop in Macclesfield. To do this the focus must be on offering increased high quality retail provision, a varied and interesting entertainment centre, a mix of residential accommodation and high quality commercial space.
- Retail and leisure sectors must be strengthened.
- Macclesfield Railway Station is very well connected with frequent trains to London and Manchester. In light of this connectivity there is a significant opportunity to create a ‘hub’ of activity built around the station with commercial, residential and leisure development.
- Land immediately to the south of Hibel Road (A537) is ‘wedged’ between the retail core and northern inner ring road. The area is small-scale and intimate with some attractive buildings but could benefit from enlivening via small scale development and reintegration with the town centre.
- Sensitive infill residential development will be appropriate around Macclesfield’s historic centre. Furthermore there are numerous opportunities to rationalise and consolidate existing car parks – in so doing ‘unlocking’ important regeneration opportunities.
- There are opportunities to deliver high quality public open space throughout the town centre, most notably on Park Lane / Park Green. Allied with this, pedestrian activity and linkages must take preference over vehicular activity. These pedestrian routes should be safe, secure, accessible and well lit.
- The encouragement of landmark developments of a high quality design that should respond to local heritage and contemporary buildings.
- The Macclesfield Area of Archaeological Potential lies within the Central Macclesfield area. Archaeological assessments of development areas will be required, to include provision for mitigation if required.
- Depending on the location within the town, a cultural heritage desk based assessment of the development proposals will be required; proposals should demonstrate that they will conserve and enhance the character and appearance of the listed buildings and conservation areas, including their settings and also show how regard has been paid to the impact of development proposals on the heritage of the town.
- A minimum of a Phase 1 Preliminary Risk Assessment for contaminated land should be carried out to demonstrate that the site is, or could be made, suitable for use should it be found to be contaminated. Further work, including a site investigation, may be required at a pre-planning stage, depending on the nature of the site.
15.182 Central Macclesfield presents a valuable opportunity to maximise the assets and enhance the character of Macclesfield town centre and central area.
15.183 This area contains a number of heritage assets and locally important buildings and spaces. It is particularly important these buildings, places and spaces are retained and the local heritage is considered in any new developments.
15.184 The delivery of new residential development within this central area will help to support and enhance the town centre, improving natural surveillance in the area and supporting the night time economy. It will also help to maintain a balance of uses within the area, that will help to create and support sustainable communities.
15.185 High quality public spaces will support the vitality of this area and help to create successful urban environments. Whilst the improved pedestrian and cycle links will increase footfall through this central area and will help to bring life to the area throughout the day. Safeguarding and enhancement of the River Bollin corridor will be important considerations.
15.186 Any replacement and/or new sports provision should be in accordance with an adopted up to date and robust Playing Pitch Strategy and Indoor Sports Strategy and with Policy SC 2 ‘Indoor and Outdoor Sports Facilities’.

Figure 15.14 Central Macclesfield Strategic Location (indicative)
Policy information
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