Site LPS 54: Royal London including land to the west of Alderley Road, Wilmslow

The development of the Royal London site over the Local Plan Strategy period will be achieved through:

  1. The retention of the existing Royal London Campus unless buildings become surplus to the requirements of existing occupiers, in which case the council will consider their suitability for reuse or redevelopment for a range of alternative uses;
  2. The delivery of around 175 dwellings (around 80 on land to the east of the existing campus, around 20 to the north of the existing campus footnote 92 and around 75 on land west of Alderley Road);
  3. The provision of 5 ha of employment land for up to around 24,000 square metres of B1 employment space and a hotel;
  4. Incorporation of green infrastructure and the provision of public open space at the southern end of the land west of Alderley Road;
  5. Retention and extension of the existing Wilmslow High School playing fields for educational use in the area marked as protected open space on the map. This may include additional buildings for education use provided they do not harm the integrity of the open space overall;
  6. Provision of at least 1 ha of land set aside for use as school playing fields within the land to the east of the existing campus, in addition to the areas marked as protected open space on the map, and an appropriate level of amenity open space and children's play space; and
  7. Pedestrian and cycle links and associated infrastructure.

Site Specific Principles of Development

  1. Phased delivery on land to the east of the existing campus so that a serviced site for B1 employment uses is delivered in conjunction with the residential development.
  2. High quality design and appropriate landscaping / green infrastructure should be provided within the site in order to preserve the character of the area and ensure an acceptable relationship between residential and employment uses. The design must respect the site's location as a key entrance into Wilmslow.
  3. Provision of areas of open space within the scheme, including:
    1. A new public realm between existing and proposed employment uses, which will assist with the integration and provide an attractive setting for new development;
    2. Land for additional playing fields accessible from Wilmslow High School; and
    3. A new public open space at the southern end of land west of Alderley Road.
  4. Retention and enhancement of features within the site that are of amenity value, where feasible, specifically the mature wooded area to the west of the site, the brook, the ponds that are present, and the tree and hedge lined frontages to Alderley Road.
  5. Improved connectivity and access into the site to the wider local area (including Wilmslow Railway Station), through the provision of appropriate linkages.
  6. Provision of contributions to education and health infrastructure.
  7. Provision of affordable housing in line with the policy requirements set out in Policy SC 5 'Affordable Homes'.
  8. Respect for the setting of listed buildings on site including Fulshaw Hall.
  9. A detailed site-specific flood risk assessment should be prepared.
  10. A minimum of a Phase 1 Preliminary Risk Assessment for contaminated land should be carried out to demonstrate that the site is, or could be made, suitable for use should it be found to be contaminated. Further work, including a site investigation, may be required at a pre-planning stage, depending on the nature of the site.
  11. Retention of the existing Royal London Campus landscape setting.


15.633 This site presents an ideal opportunity for an infill development which, with a mixed use scheme, will facilitate the growth and expansion of a major employment site, provide jobs and meet Wilmslow's much needed requirements for open space provision, whilst retaining the character of the area.

15.634 The Royal London site currently performs an essential role in providing employment in a key growth sector and this site is vital in providing future employment opportunities in Wilmslow. The council has received a planning application submitted by Royal London (reference 16/2314M) for a major new office building on the land to the east of the current campus. This could result in existing buildings within the existing campus becoming available for reoccupation or redevelopment, providing scope for extension of the mixed use approach across this part of the allocation. Development of the land east of the existing campus site should be phased so that employment uses can be brought forward alongside the residential development. Housing will therefore act as an ‘enabler’ to ensure that employment development takes place.

15.635 A cohesive approach must be taken when considering the layout of the site, good connectivity between existing and new developments and open space provision will be essential in ensuring a well designed and sustainable site. A new public realm between existing and proposed employment uses will be required.

15.636 High quality design will also be very important. New development will be expected to preserve or enhance the setting of designated heritage assets located within the site, as well as the character of the surrounding area including the visual character of the entrance into Wilmslow from the south along Alderley Road. Proposals on the land west of Alderley Road should also have regard to the adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance Note (2004) 'Development in Established Residential Areas: Fulshaw Park’.

15.637 New residential development should be situated to the north of the site to protect the amenities of residential properties with the existing and proposed employment uses.

15.638 By virtue of its location and leafy character it is considered that this site offers an ideal setting for a hotel along Alderley Road frontage. The hotel will not only generate additional employment opportunities but will offer a supporting facility for businesses.

15.639 A full comprehensive landscaping scheme will be fundamental in ensuring the proposed development is in keeping with the character of the area and should secure a sensitive green buffer between proposed residential and employment zones.

15.640 There is significant tree coverage, particularly to the west of this site, therefore existing mature trees and hedging will be expected to be maintained where possible, or replaced with mitigation.

15.641 New development will also be expected to respect any existing ecological constraints on site and, where necessary, provide appropriate mitigation.

15.642 The eastern section of this site is already served by two existing access points off Alderley Road. In order to accommodate the new development existing access points will need to be enhanced, where appropriate, and/or seek to introduce a new access point. A new access point off Alderley Road will be required for the western section. Individual dwellings should not have their own direct accesses to Alderley Road.

15.643 Integration within the surrounding community, town centre and railway station will be important in ensuring the sustainability of this development, therefore contributions to enhancements or the provision of new linkages will be encouraged. 

15.644 The council's Green Space Strategy has identified that there is a specific need for open space within South West Wilmslow. The inclusion of a new area of public open space as part of the residential development of land west of Alderley Road will provide a facility for existing and future residents, which will protect an area of the land from development and retain a feature that offers a high contribution to the character of this particular area.

15.645 Any replacement and/or new sports provision should be in accordance with an adopted up to date and robust Playing Pitch Strategy and Indoor Sports Strategy and with Policy SC 2  ‘Indoor and Outdoor Sports Facilities’The site has potential for contamination to be present therefore at least a Phase 1 Preliminary Risk Assessment for contaminated land needs to be carried out to ensure that any contamination that is present is subject to appropriate remediation.

Indicative Site Delivery

(Footnote 92) Land within the site boundary but outside of the existing Royal London campus at The Coach House and Harefield Farm.

Policy information


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