Page last reviewed: 26 November 2024

Planning for Infrastructure Delivery

Infrastructure can be defined as the range of services and facilities needed for the functioning of local communities. Such services and facilities include: physical assets such as roads, power lines and sewerage systems; community services such as doctors surgeries, hospitals and schools; and heritage assets such as public open spaces. Infrastructure planning is the process by which deficiencies in the provision of local services can be identified and addressed.

The government has placed increased emphasis on the importance of infrastructure planning; national planning policy formally requires local authorities to demonstrate sufficient infrastructure exists, or will be provided, to support their strategies for new development as set out in their Local Plans. 

To make sure that sufficient infrastructure is in place to meet the current and future needs of Cheshire East, the council is committed to developing a Local Infrastructure Plan (LIP). Upon completion, the LIP will identify:

  • Infrastructure needs and costs
  • Phasing of development
  • Funding sources; and
  • Responsibilities for delivery

Infrastructure baseline report 

A baseline report has been prepared in collaboration with a wide range of agencies involved in the provision, operation and maintenance of infrastructure, which identifies the extent of existing infrastructure in Cheshire East, and any known capacity constraints with the existing infrastructure.  

This baseline report was the first step in preparing the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (PDF, 1.1MB), which formed part of the supporting evidence for the Local Plan Strategy. A new Infrastructure Delivery Plan will be prepared as part of any future review of the Local Plan.

Page last reviewed: 26 November 2024