Housing land supply including the housing monitoring update and SHLAA Housing needs including the SHMA and Housing Development Study Gypsy and Traveller research and evidence
Retail study including updates Employment needs including the employment land review Cheshire East economic profile (PDF, 3.0MB)
Green Belt Assessment Update 2015 (PDF, 42MB) New Green Belt and Strategic Open Gap Study (PDF, 9.6MB) and New Green Belt and Strategic Open Gap Appendices (PDF, 7.0MB)
Local Landscape Designations Study (PDF, 6.2MB) Local Landscape Designations Review (PDF, 6.8MB) Cheshire East Landscape Character Assessment Landscape Sensitivity to Wind Energy Developments (PDF, 4.9MB) Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Renewables Handbook Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Planning Research Technical Report (PDF, 10.2MB), Technical Report Erratum (PDF, 966KB), Summary Report (PDF, 2.58MB) and Summary Report Erratum (PDF, 351KB) Renewable Energy Policy Study (PDF, 700KB) Green Infrastructure Plan
Green Space Strategy Open Spaces Assessment Playing Pitch Strategy and Indoor Built Facilities Strategy
Aggregate mineral supply Waste needs assessments Cheshire sand study (PDF, 4.4MB), which looks at Cheshire's sand resource including its end uses, operational sites, markets served and the strategic implications for plan-making.
Transport Strategy including the local transport plan and SEMMM strategy refresh Highways Studies overview document (PDF, 1.5MB) Crewe Highways Study (PDF, 13MB) Leighton West Highways Study (PDF, 4MB) Congleton Highways Study (PDF, 765KB) Macclesfield Highways Study (PDF, 4MB) Mid Cheshire and Middlewich Rail Study Strategic Outline Case (PDF, 4.9MB)
Census information Determining the Settlement Hierarchy (PDF, 2.3MB) Infrastructure study Infrastructure Delivery Plan Update (PDF, 1.2MB) Historic Towns Surveys and Archaeological Assessments Nantwich Riverside Masterplan Strategic Framework (PDF, 7.7MB), Riverside access proposals (PDF, 3.5MB) and Riverside area proposals (PDF, 2.6MB) Nantwich Waterlogged Deposits Report (PDF, 3.5MB) North Congleton Masterplan (PDF, 10.4MB) Sustainability Appraisals
Ambition for All: Cheshire East's Sustainable Community Strategy 2010-2025 (PDF, 3.2 MB) Local Plan Authority Monitoring Reports Office for National Statistics National Planning Policy Framework National Planning Practice Guidance NOMIS official labour market statistics