Page last reviewed: 26 March 2024

Strategies for outdoor and indoor sports facilities

Playing pitch and outdoor sports strategy 2024

Cheshire East Council has engaged with Sport England and a range of sports national governing bodies about outdoor sports facilities and what will be required to meet future needs.

This has involved collecting information about existing outdoor sports provision across the borough including the specific facilities they offer, their usage, and their condition.

There are two elements to the strategy: the playing pitch and outdoor sports assessment (PDF, 7.0MB) and a series of action plans in the playing pitch and outdoor sports strategy (PDF, 2.7MB).

The assessment report sets out up to date supply and demand information, including demands arising from the planned level of growth proposed in the council's Local Plan Strategy to 2030.

The sports national governing bodies have been closely involved in completing this work to ensure that this information is as comprehensive and up to date as possible. Cheshire East sports clubs and schools have also had the opportunity to input into this work. The involvement of all of these organisations has been very important and is greatly appreciated.

The action plans respond to the issues arising from the assessment report.

The strategy will help to inform planning and investment decisions by the council and assist a wide range of bodies seeking to provide high quality sports facilities across Cheshire East.

Indoor built facilities strategy 2017

The indoor built facilities strategy covers the period 2017 to 2030 and similarly comprises two elements: an assessment of the need for sports halls, health and fitness and specialist facilities in the indoor built facilities assessment (PDF, 4MB), and then a range of recommendations in the indoor built facilities strategy (PDF, 841KB), responding to the findings of the assessment report.

The assessment report and strategy have been prepared in accordance with Sport England guidance and in dialogue with Sport England, a range of sports national governing bodies, local sports clubs and other key stakeholders.

Page last reviewed: 26 March 2024